A Quickie with Harrison Gordon
Last winter, Harrison Gordon opted to forgo a traditional movie project to work with Bode Merrill on a sugar-water fueled mission, but you may remember him from such traditional projects as VG’s Retrospect. He’s not just in the videos though, he watches them too, so we figured why not bang out a quickie about the latest flicks – in part form, of course.
What parts are you stoked on this year?
So far, Ive been to a few premieres but that’s kind of a shitty place to watch a video. I like all my friends parts, it’s hard to say because I don’t want to leave anyone out. I haven’t seen Deja Vu and I really want to see that. I like all the videos, Think Thank, Videograss, Absinthe, Volcom stuff…Canadian people, Euro dudes. The people who stand out to me are the ones that have their own style.
What about online, any videos stand out so far? I know we’re just getting started so…
So far, I haven’t seen to many. I saw Grenier’s and I thought it was awesome. I think its one of his best parts ever… Worm’s was amazing, the Nike video is awesome, I forgot about that one. Also I really like the Yawgoons stuff. Also I’m excited to see the Underdawgz, and Go! Boarding, I haven’t watched that yet either.
Go! is awesome. was one of my faves this year for sure. Obviously the video landscape has changed, and a lot of people are filming online parts. Is a part in a traditional video just as important as it once was?
Yes, it’s definitely just as important, the only difference is that there is more out there in terms of content.
Do you think online parts are as good as the ones in movies? In terms of marketing and snowboard history, or just ego.
It depends on who’s part it is, some videos put out online are definitely just as good as ones on hard copy. I’m a little less critical of the marketing behind stuff, all I really care about is the person’s style and if I like the song they used.
What is this project he’s working on with Bode?
You guys should just film or record your interviews, so much more interesting then fucking reading like a nerd.
yeah, reading is so fucking hard. i’m gonna go shit on my fat ass, play videogames, and just be a mindless waste of energy and space.
is chill
Maybe if you read like a fucking nerd you wouldn’t sound like a fucking idiot.
kinda redic how often some of his footage is reused
Why isn’t UnderDawgs online? I wanna see that shit
^^^ Buy the dvd!! ^^^ Only ten bucks! ^^^