Fred Meyer for $1.32
Despite every “special diet” person I know (read: vegan) telling me how fruitless couponing is or would be for them, I have found no shortage of deals on things like veggie meat and soy milk. Today I stopped by Fred Meyer on my way home I pick up a couple cartons of rice milk for $.67, as well as the free pens I wanted at Target but were sold out long before I got there. For a total of $1.32 I got:
2 Packages of 10 Bic Pens (Regular price 1.43, on sale (with in store coupon) .49 – $1/2 coupon = FREE)
2 Cartons Rice Milk (Regular price $3.32, on sale $1.67 – $1 coupon = $.67 each)
The cashier seemed stoked, but then again, she seemed stoked on the person in front of me’s order too. Fred Meyer doesn’t include the percent savings on the receipt, but I’m willing to say I did ok.
Here’s the thing: when your diet is made up entirely of special people food, you become discerning about which brands and products taste so awful that they aren’t even worth buying. A lot of what comes up in the catalinas is the “crossover” brands like morningstar and silk. if I ate only that stuff I’d think being vegantarian sucked too.
That said, I just got a catalina (they barely ever come out for the stuff I buy? explain this to me please) for the new silk almond milk. I will be redeeming it soon.
Boohoo. And cats are mostly random i think, but they have a website: that might provide some insight.
Also, loving the fancy rainbow comment background. yay theme.
Yeah I just noticed the rainbow when i posted this comment. good stuff