$33.50 at Safeway for $10.66
Once again, I blew it by letting Jared come shopping with me. Not only did he complain, but he also felt the need to buy four cans of vegetables that we not only didn’t have a coupon for, but were not on sale. It totally screwed up my percentage. With $8 in Catalinas, plus a few other high value coupons, I could have gotten out of the door for half as much if I didn’t bring him. Then again, he did pay for all of it, so I guess I can’t really complain.
For $10.66 cents, or 68% savings I got:
2 boxes of Barilla Pasta (Regular price $.150, on sale $1 – .55/1 coupon – 50 cent Doubler= FREE)
Silk Chocolate Soy Milk (Regular $2.99, on sale $2.49 – $1/1 coupon – 50 cent doubler= $.99
2lbs Ground Beef (Regular $4.99, on sale $3.70- 50% off clearance coupon $1.85- $2 cat = $-.15)
Hamburger buns (on sale $2.00)
$12.96 worth of produce (including 1 avocado, 1 hot house tomato, 2 ears of corn, 5lbs of potatoes, a bag of onions and a package of Smart Dogs (on sale for $3.99), 1 package of tofu (on sale $2- $1 coupon) and used a $3 off $10 purchase catalina to get it all for $9.96.
Not on sale were four cans of vegetables ($1.24 each)
I used my $6 catalina I got from buying tampons and not only impressed the girl behind me in line with my total, but also Jared when I handed him back $9 in change from the $20 he gave me. Booyea.