I am not opposed to people cashing in on action sports. In fact, I like to cash in myself. However, it really bothers me when these people, who have no real background, passion, or knowledge, try to be cool. Lat34’s Life of Ryan recaps not withstanding, I recently came across this, which without mentioning any actual names, is from the people who do Sports Center. Yeah.
“We think it was either the tech guys bonking the server while ollieing over it, or the wet snowboard gear that dripped over all the hardware that is causing this problem. Your page isn’t available right now. but we’re on it and we’re working to get it back up. So don’t worry about tweaking anything. We’ll try to get the ollies higher, the snowboard gear stowed properly, and EXPN content filling up your browser. Please check back soon.”
The vicious cycle that is EXPN.com.
Step 1. Wait until everybody else stirs the pot and gets the advertisers in a frenzy.
Step 2. Staff up and proclaim dominance.
Step 3. The head Honcho at Disney decide to trim the fat and lay off staff.
Step 4. Start posting press releases at wait twice a year until you have a major content blitz around X Games.