Morning Mission to Walgreens
Our TP supplies were getting low, so imagine my joy when I heard about this deal going on a Walgreens! Buy two 12-packs of Cottonelle Ultra and get $3 back. I stopped by this morning to do it because it’s Friday, and I wake up ridiculously early, and really, why not. We also needed body […]
Friday Night at Walgreens!
I really went wild on my Friday night. I had a prescription to pick up and thought, this would be a great opportunity to score some deals while I am there! I also have been slacking and my coupon collection is bursting out its accordion file because I haven’t been using them fast enough. I […]
But it Was Free!!
Two-packs of Dry Erase markers are on sale for $.99 each at Walgreens right now. A few days ago, a $2/2 packs of said markers appeared on (it looks like it’s already be gone). Now I don’t even own a dry erase board and have no plans to purchase one, but I’m sure you […]
Walgreens 8/7/2011
One of the many things I’ve learned is that if you want the “money maker” items, you can’t slack. And this week Keri lotion (regularly $8.29) at Walgreens was one of those coveted items so I got my ass over there Sunday morning. Allow me to explain: The lotion was on sale for $5.99, and […]
Redemption at Walgreens
What’s that saying? If at first you fail, try, try again? I took it to heart and went back to Walgreens yesterday after my defeat there last weekend. Actually, it had nothing to do with proverbial wisdom, but more the fact I had $5 worth of register rewards I would be stupid not to cash […]
Who Doesn’t Need More TP?
Walgreens is a harsh mistress when it comes to couponing, mainly cause they have some of the best deals, and get cleaned out quickly by other deal hungry shoppers, so I was half expecting to walk out empty handed on my mission for cheap toilet paper. But amazingly enough, the shelves were stocked with the […]