The Best Coupon Ever
Between the Safeway app and laziness, I rarely use paper coupons anymore. But when I saw this baby looking up at my from my garage flood (where paper mail goes to die) I got really excited. You see, booze coupons are rare, and high value booze coupons with no limitations!? Yes please. I hauled my ass over to Safeway and here’s what I bought.
2 Bottles of Head Snapper Sauvignon Blanc. Regular price 39.98, on sale $19.98
1 bottle Erath Pinot Gris. Regular price $14.99, on sale $10.99
1 bottle Red Rock Malbec. Regular price $12.49, on sale $10.99
1 bottle Alamos Malbec. Regular price $11.99, on sale $8.99
1 bottle Anthropogy Wine. Regular price $14.99, on sale $9.99
Total: $60.94
- 6.09 (10% off six bottles)
-$15 off $50 Coupon
Regular price: $94.44, Paid: $39.85 or $6.64 a bottle.
Now I am well aware that you can get wine for a lot cheaper than $6.64 a bottle (two buck chuck, what) but this is good wine and that’s a damn 60% savings. Thanks Safeway!