Back At It

Posted by Brooke on February 24, 2012 in Shopping trips |

Things are slowing down in the world of snowboard blogging, which means I have time to waste, and what better way to waste it than saving money! I spent last weekend going through the circulars which have been, much to Jared’s dismay, stacking up at the house as well as getting rid of all the coupons that expired during my two-month couponing hiatus. The result was the above pile of junk, which luckily Jared was wise enough to capture.

Today though, I made a list and headed off to Fred Meyer, which happens to not only still give you plastic bags, but be extremely close to the new office. Along with having a new office comes plenty of storage space and a need for stuff to fill our kitchenette. Really, the perfect recipe. Unfortunately, Fred Meyer not only doesn’t give you the fun percentages of savings, and I’m also a bit rusty, so not sure I did that great. I spent $44.22 and got:

4 boxes of Nutrigrain bars (Regular $3.89, on sale $2.29- .30 for buying 10 select products= $2.49 each)

2 Jars Planters Peanuts (Regular ?, On Sale 3.79 – .30 for buying 10 – 1.50 off two = $2.74 each)

1 Degree Deodorant (Regular ?, one sale 1.99 – .30 for buying 10 – 1 e coupon = $.69)

1 40pk Hefty Trash Bags (regular ?, on sale 6.99- .30 for buying 10 – $1 coupon = $5.69)

2 jars Ragu sauce (Regular ?, on sale $1.79-.30 for buying 10 – $1/2 coupon = $.99 each)

2 Foster Farms Ground Turkey (Regular $4.99, On sale $3.99 – $1 & $2 coupon = $2.50 each)

2 Seattle’s Best Coffee (Regular $6.99 – $1 in store coupon = $5.99 — I had $1.50 coupons, but managed to lose them inbetween the office and the register) oops.

For doing the buy 10 deal, I got back another $2 Catalina, which i put towards Jared’s diet soda addiction. All in all, not a terrible trip, but certainly not my best work.

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