71% at Safeway
I wake up ridiculously early this time of year. It’s not that I don’t like sleep. I really, really do, it’s just that 7 am rolls around and my brain starts going and well, Saturday or not, I’m up! Since everyone else in the world prefers to sleep in on the weekends, I figured I might as well take advantage and go do some couponing. Plus, Safeway actually had some good deals on stuff I want/use this week.
I did two transactions and spent a total of $25.87, with a total savings of $36.03 or 71%. Here’s what I got:
Transaction 1
4 Packages Ore-Ida easy fries (On sale $1.50, buy 4 receive a $3 Catalina, Paid $6, got $3 back)
Transaction 2
2 Packages Forster Farms Ground Turkey (Regular price $5.99, on sale BOGO – $1 MFG coupon = Paid $2.50 each)
2 Big Bottles Star Olive Oil (Regular price $9.99, on sale BOGO = Paid $4.99 each)
2 Packages Crave Cat Treats (Regular price $1.59 – 2 Free up to $1.59 coupons = FREE)
2 Packages Pistachios (Regular price $5.99 – on sale BOGO – $1 MFG coupon = $2.50 each)
1 Package Italian Sausage (Regular price $3.79, on sale $3.49)
2 Almond Breeze Almond Milk ($2.49 – 2 $1 off coupons = Paid $1.49 each, got back $.75 catalina.)
- $3 from previous order – $2 Safeway doubler = Paid $19.8, plus I have $.75 to use next time.
The olive oil alone is worth more than that, so I’m gonna say this one was a win!
These are some pretty good coupon savings here Brooke. I think I might shop more at Safeway with deals like these.