
Apparently most people don't randomly go on trips to Africa from Oregon. Something about the 23 hours of travel (each way), money, danger, etc etc. But fuck it, I do what I want and when my Internet friend (now real friend!) invited me to visit him in South Africa, I said, see ya Thursday. Now you may have caught some photos on Yobeat, but that was only one day of my trip! For the rest of my adventures, read on. We took one of those obnoxious red tourist busses around Johannessburg, and wouldn't ya know? I actually learned a bunch of stuff. It also probably prevented us from being robbed, as…
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Why The Hell Did We go to Newfoundland?

Despite cries from the plebeians that my "whole life is a vacation," sometimes I feel the need to actually get away from the Internet. But since the 'net is global, this can be a challenge. This year, I figured out the perfect destination. Newfoundland. It's closer than Europe, but they still have funny accents, and most importantly, international data ain't cheap, so my phone was more like a wifi-enabled camera. But when anyone found out we'd come all the way from Portland, they asked the same question - why here? And I guess it was a bit of an odd choice, seeing as we didn't know anyone, or really anything about the place. But after six days I…
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The Middle of Nowhere, Washington

Last weekend I took an impromptu trip North to catch the pre-opening day at Stevens Pass, which perhaps even more exciting meant going to Stevens Pass for the first time. Though I've driven past the sign for route 2 at least 100 times, I never made it east on that particular highway. We arrived in Skykomish well after dark, but it was pretty clear this town was awesome, in that, never wanna live here in a million years kinda way. Haunted brothel? Ok! We stayed at the only hotel in town, a classic joint with shared bathrooms and a cafe smelling of deep fryer attached. However, we were told the…
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Nature’s Magesty: The Olympic Peninsula

It was my 3rd 29th birthday last week, and since it's the one holiday a year that's all about me, that means I get to do whatever I want! This year I wanted to drop everything and take an impromptu trip to the Olympic Peninsula. Even though I've almost lived in the Northwest long enough to be considered a Northwesterner, this is one corner of the country I was yet to explore. There was a sign that said "rustic retreat" but despite Jared's greatest fears, the Manitou lodge had both electricity and showers. We stayed two nights in Forks, where they filmed Twilight and had I actually seen the movie,…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 2 — The Redwoods

Despite having my professional-photo-taking significant other in tow, I opted to take self portraits. My epic National Park adventure series continues with Redwoods National park. This time we were on the way to a rail jam in San Francisco and took an extra day to scope some big trees. Word to the wise: the end of October is a GREAT time to visit places that are supposed to be seen in the summer. No tourists! It's almost impossible to get the scale of these things without a person or something else for context. If you squint, you can see little Jared in this one. Fisheye + redwoods = Awesome If…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 1 — Yosemite

Look how much fun I'm having! I've taken three trips to California this year. Two of them I took a car the whole way, and the most recent involved a quick flight and a not-so-quick drive. But more important than the destination is the journey, and on each of these trips I've hit a notable national park for the first time. First Crater Lake last June. Then Red Woods national park a few weeks back and today, Yosemite! I've been meaning to post all the pictures here, so I'm gonna work backwards and make it happen. I'm about to get all Ansel Adams on shit, but the fall colors on…
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Viva Argentina!

The rumors are true. I went to South America. I spent most of the time snowboarding, and you can read lots of words about it here and here. This post though, is just a whole lot of pictures. Some from Cerro Catedral in Bariloche, and most from Buenos Aires, most notably Recoleta Cemetery. [nggallery id=43]
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Viva Sante Fe

I spent Labor Day weekend in Sante Fe for the joyous union of my cousin Emily in marriage. In between the three official parties, we did the tourist thing and I took some pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. Chimayo crosses. We stopped to take a picture of that house you can see in the background, but I actually like this aster close up better. If you know me, you know I am not religious, however, there was no shortage of religious paraphernalia on our stops, so get used to it. Obligatory Southwest cactus shot Behind this sign, there was a man selling various chili powers. He made…
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We’re Not In Kansas Any More

My most recent trip took me to the heartland of America. Well, wait, is Kansas in the heartland, or more like the pelvis? Whatever, it's a weird-ass place, probably one the strangest I've ever gone to on purpose. I was there for a wakeboard event at a cable park on a dead end road. In between where we stayed and the park was miles of mid-scale chain restaurants and big box stores, so I guess it was pretty much like anywhere else in America. I like to really immerse myself in the culture of a place though, so I managed to eat at Applebees, Old Chicago, Ruby Tuesdays, Chipotle and…
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Apparently most people don't randomly go on trips to Africa from Oregon. Something about the 23 hours of travel (each way), money, danger, etc etc. But fuck it, I do what I want and when my Internet friend (now real friend!) invited me to visit him in South Africa, I said, see ya Thursday. Now you may have caught some photos on Yobeat, but that was only one day of my trip! For the rest of my adventures, read on. We took one of those obnoxious red tourist busses around Johannessburg, and wouldn't ya know? I actually learned a bunch of stuff. It also probably prevented us from being robbed, as…
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Why The Hell Did We go to Newfoundland?

Despite cries from the plebeians that my "whole life is a vacation," sometimes I feel the need to actually get away from the Internet. But since the 'net is global, this can be a challenge. This year, I figured out the perfect destination. Newfoundland. It's closer than Europe, but they still have funny accents, and most importantly, international data ain't cheap, so my phone was more like a wifi-enabled camera. But when anyone found out we'd come all the way from Portland, they asked the same question - why here? And I guess it was a bit of an odd choice, seeing as we didn't know anyone, or really anything about the place. But after six days I…
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The Middle of Nowhere, Washington

Last weekend I took an impromptu trip North to catch the pre-opening day at Stevens Pass, which perhaps even more exciting meant going to Stevens Pass for the first time. Though I've driven past the sign for route 2 at least 100 times, I never made it east on that particular highway. We arrived in Skykomish well after dark, but it was pretty clear this town was awesome, in that, never wanna live here in a million years kinda way. Haunted brothel? Ok! We stayed at the only hotel in town, a classic joint with shared bathrooms and a cafe smelling of deep fryer attached. However, we were told the…
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Nature’s Magesty: The Olympic Peninsula

It was my 3rd 29th birthday last week, and since it's the one holiday a year that's all about me, that means I get to do whatever I want! This year I wanted to drop everything and take an impromptu trip to the Olympic Peninsula. Even though I've almost lived in the Northwest long enough to be considered a Northwesterner, this is one corner of the country I was yet to explore. There was a sign that said "rustic retreat" but despite Jared's greatest fears, the Manitou lodge had both electricity and showers. We stayed two nights in Forks, where they filmed Twilight and had I actually seen the movie,…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 2 — The Redwoods

Despite having my professional-photo-taking significant other in tow, I opted to take self portraits. My epic National Park adventure series continues with Redwoods National park. This time we were on the way to a rail jam in San Francisco and took an extra day to scope some big trees. Word to the wise: the end of October is a GREAT time to visit places that are supposed to be seen in the summer. No tourists! It's almost impossible to get the scale of these things without a person or something else for context. If you squint, you can see little Jared in this one. Fisheye + redwoods = Awesome If…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 1 — Yosemite

Look how much fun I'm having! I've taken three trips to California this year. Two of them I took a car the whole way, and the most recent involved a quick flight and a not-so-quick drive. But more important than the destination is the journey, and on each of these trips I've hit a notable national park for the first time. First Crater Lake last June. Then Red Woods national park a few weeks back and today, Yosemite! I've been meaning to post all the pictures here, so I'm gonna work backwards and make it happen. I'm about to get all Ansel Adams on shit, but the fall colors on…
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Viva Argentina!

The rumors are true. I went to South America. I spent most of the time snowboarding, and you can read lots of words about it here and here. This post though, is just a whole lot of pictures. Some from Cerro Catedral in Bariloche, and most from Buenos Aires, most notably Recoleta Cemetery. [nggallery id=43]
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Viva Sante Fe

I spent Labor Day weekend in Sante Fe for the joyous union of my cousin Emily in marriage. In between the three official parties, we did the tourist thing and I took some pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. Chimayo crosses. We stopped to take a picture of that house you can see in the background, but I actually like this aster close up better. If you know me, you know I am not religious, however, there was no shortage of religious paraphernalia on our stops, so get used to it. Obligatory Southwest cactus shot Behind this sign, there was a man selling various chili powers. He made…
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We’re Not In Kansas Any More

My most recent trip took me to the heartland of America. Well, wait, is Kansas in the heartland, or more like the pelvis? Whatever, it's a weird-ass place, probably one the strangest I've ever gone to on purpose. I was there for a wakeboard event at a cable park on a dead end road. In between where we stayed and the park was miles of mid-scale chain restaurants and big box stores, so I guess it was pretty much like anywhere else in America. I like to really immerse myself in the culture of a place though, so I managed to eat at Applebees, Old Chicago, Ruby Tuesdays, Chipotle and…
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Apparently most people don't randomly go on trips to Africa from Oregon. Something about the 23 hours of travel (each way), money, danger, etc etc. But fuck it, I do what I want and when my Internet friend (now real friend!) invited me to visit him in South Africa, I said, see ya Thursday. Now you may have caught some photos on Yobeat, but that was only one day of my trip! For the rest of my adventures, read on. We took one of those obnoxious red tourist busses around Johannessburg, and wouldn't ya know? I actually learned a bunch of stuff. It also probably prevented us from being robbed, as…
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Why The Hell Did We go to Newfoundland?

Despite cries from the plebeians that my "whole life is a vacation," sometimes I feel the need to actually get away from the Internet. But since the 'net is global, this can be a challenge. This year, I figured out the perfect destination. Newfoundland. It's closer than Europe, but they still have funny accents, and most importantly, international data ain't cheap, so my phone was more like a wifi-enabled camera. But when anyone found out we'd come all the way from Portland, they asked the same question - why here? And I guess it was a bit of an odd choice, seeing as we didn't know anyone, or really anything about the place. But after six days I…
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The Middle of Nowhere, Washington

Last weekend I took an impromptu trip North to catch the pre-opening day at Stevens Pass, which perhaps even more exciting meant going to Stevens Pass for the first time. Though I've driven past the sign for route 2 at least 100 times, I never made it east on that particular highway. We arrived in Skykomish well after dark, but it was pretty clear this town was awesome, in that, never wanna live here in a million years kinda way. Haunted brothel? Ok! We stayed at the only hotel in town, a classic joint with shared bathrooms and a cafe smelling of deep fryer attached. However, we were told the…
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Nature’s Magesty: The Olympic Peninsula

It was my 3rd 29th birthday last week, and since it's the one holiday a year that's all about me, that means I get to do whatever I want! This year I wanted to drop everything and take an impromptu trip to the Olympic Peninsula. Even though I've almost lived in the Northwest long enough to be considered a Northwesterner, this is one corner of the country I was yet to explore. There was a sign that said "rustic retreat" but despite Jared's greatest fears, the Manitou lodge had both electricity and showers. We stayed two nights in Forks, where they filmed Twilight and had I actually seen the movie,…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 2 — The Redwoods

Despite having my professional-photo-taking significant other in tow, I opted to take self portraits. My epic National Park adventure series continues with Redwoods National park. This time we were on the way to a rail jam in San Francisco and took an extra day to scope some big trees. Word to the wise: the end of October is a GREAT time to visit places that are supposed to be seen in the summer. No tourists! It's almost impossible to get the scale of these things without a person or something else for context. If you squint, you can see little Jared in this one. Fisheye + redwoods = Awesome If…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 1 — Yosemite

Look how much fun I'm having! I've taken three trips to California this year. Two of them I took a car the whole way, and the most recent involved a quick flight and a not-so-quick drive. But more important than the destination is the journey, and on each of these trips I've hit a notable national park for the first time. First Crater Lake last June. Then Red Woods national park a few weeks back and today, Yosemite! I've been meaning to post all the pictures here, so I'm gonna work backwards and make it happen. I'm about to get all Ansel Adams on shit, but the fall colors on…
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Viva Argentina!

The rumors are true. I went to South America. I spent most of the time snowboarding, and you can read lots of words about it here and here. This post though, is just a whole lot of pictures. Some from Cerro Catedral in Bariloche, and most from Buenos Aires, most notably Recoleta Cemetery. [nggallery id=43]
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Viva Sante Fe

I spent Labor Day weekend in Sante Fe for the joyous union of my cousin Emily in marriage. In between the three official parties, we did the tourist thing and I took some pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. Chimayo crosses. We stopped to take a picture of that house you can see in the background, but I actually like this aster close up better. If you know me, you know I am not religious, however, there was no shortage of religious paraphernalia on our stops, so get used to it. Obligatory Southwest cactus shot Behind this sign, there was a man selling various chili powers. He made…
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We’re Not In Kansas Any More

My most recent trip took me to the heartland of America. Well, wait, is Kansas in the heartland, or more like the pelvis? Whatever, it's a weird-ass place, probably one the strangest I've ever gone to on purpose. I was there for a wakeboard event at a cable park on a dead end road. In between where we stayed and the park was miles of mid-scale chain restaurants and big box stores, so I guess it was pretty much like anywhere else in America. I like to really immerse myself in the culture of a place though, so I managed to eat at Applebees, Old Chicago, Ruby Tuesdays, Chipotle and…
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Apparently most people don't randomly go on trips to Africa from Oregon. Something about the 23 hours of travel (each way), money, danger, etc etc. But fuck it, I do what I want and when my Internet friend (now real friend!) invited me to visit him in South Africa, I said, see ya Thursday. Now you may have caught some photos on Yobeat, but that was only one day of my trip! For the rest of my adventures, read on. We took one of those obnoxious red tourist busses around Johannessburg, and wouldn't ya know? I actually learned a bunch of stuff. It also probably prevented us from being robbed, as…
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Why The Hell Did We go to Newfoundland?

Despite cries from the plebeians that my "whole life is a vacation," sometimes I feel the need to actually get away from the Internet. But since the 'net is global, this can be a challenge. This year, I figured out the perfect destination. Newfoundland. It's closer than Europe, but they still have funny accents, and most importantly, international data ain't cheap, so my phone was more like a wifi-enabled camera. But when anyone found out we'd come all the way from Portland, they asked the same question - why here? And I guess it was a bit of an odd choice, seeing as we didn't know anyone, or really anything about the place. But after six days I…
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The Middle of Nowhere, Washington

Last weekend I took an impromptu trip North to catch the pre-opening day at Stevens Pass, which perhaps even more exciting meant going to Stevens Pass for the first time. Though I've driven past the sign for route 2 at least 100 times, I never made it east on that particular highway. We arrived in Skykomish well after dark, but it was pretty clear this town was awesome, in that, never wanna live here in a million years kinda way. Haunted brothel? Ok! We stayed at the only hotel in town, a classic joint with shared bathrooms and a cafe smelling of deep fryer attached. However, we were told the…
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Nature’s Magesty: The Olympic Peninsula

It was my 3rd 29th birthday last week, and since it's the one holiday a year that's all about me, that means I get to do whatever I want! This year I wanted to drop everything and take an impromptu trip to the Olympic Peninsula. Even though I've almost lived in the Northwest long enough to be considered a Northwesterner, this is one corner of the country I was yet to explore. There was a sign that said "rustic retreat" but despite Jared's greatest fears, the Manitou lodge had both electricity and showers. We stayed two nights in Forks, where they filmed Twilight and had I actually seen the movie,…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 2 — The Redwoods

Despite having my professional-photo-taking significant other in tow, I opted to take self portraits. My epic National Park adventure series continues with Redwoods National park. This time we were on the way to a rail jam in San Francisco and took an extra day to scope some big trees. Word to the wise: the end of October is a GREAT time to visit places that are supposed to be seen in the summer. No tourists! It's almost impossible to get the scale of these things without a person or something else for context. If you squint, you can see little Jared in this one. Fisheye + redwoods = Awesome If…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 1 — Yosemite

Look how much fun I'm having! I've taken three trips to California this year. Two of them I took a car the whole way, and the most recent involved a quick flight and a not-so-quick drive. But more important than the destination is the journey, and on each of these trips I've hit a notable national park for the first time. First Crater Lake last June. Then Red Woods national park a few weeks back and today, Yosemite! I've been meaning to post all the pictures here, so I'm gonna work backwards and make it happen. I'm about to get all Ansel Adams on shit, but the fall colors on…
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Viva Argentina!

The rumors are true. I went to South America. I spent most of the time snowboarding, and you can read lots of words about it here and here. This post though, is just a whole lot of pictures. Some from Cerro Catedral in Bariloche, and most from Buenos Aires, most notably Recoleta Cemetery. [nggallery id=43]
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Viva Sante Fe

I spent Labor Day weekend in Sante Fe for the joyous union of my cousin Emily in marriage. In between the three official parties, we did the tourist thing and I took some pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. Chimayo crosses. We stopped to take a picture of that house you can see in the background, but I actually like this aster close up better. If you know me, you know I am not religious, however, there was no shortage of religious paraphernalia on our stops, so get used to it. Obligatory Southwest cactus shot Behind this sign, there was a man selling various chili powers. He made…
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We’re Not In Kansas Any More

My most recent trip took me to the heartland of America. Well, wait, is Kansas in the heartland, or more like the pelvis? Whatever, it's a weird-ass place, probably one the strangest I've ever gone to on purpose. I was there for a wakeboard event at a cable park on a dead end road. In between where we stayed and the park was miles of mid-scale chain restaurants and big box stores, so I guess it was pretty much like anywhere else in America. I like to really immerse myself in the culture of a place though, so I managed to eat at Applebees, Old Chicago, Ruby Tuesdays, Chipotle and…
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Apparently most people don't randomly go on trips to Africa from Oregon. Something about the 23 hours of travel (each way), money, danger, etc etc. But fuck it, I do what I want and when my Internet friend (now real friend!) invited me to visit him in South Africa, I said, see ya Thursday. Now you may have caught some photos on Yobeat, but that was only one day of my trip! For the rest of my adventures, read on. We took one of those obnoxious red tourist busses around Johannessburg, and wouldn't ya know? I actually learned a bunch of stuff. It also probably prevented us from being robbed, as…
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Why The Hell Did We go to Newfoundland?

Despite cries from the plebeians that my "whole life is a vacation," sometimes I feel the need to actually get away from the Internet. But since the 'net is global, this can be a challenge. This year, I figured out the perfect destination. Newfoundland. It's closer than Europe, but they still have funny accents, and most importantly, international data ain't cheap, so my phone was more like a wifi-enabled camera. But when anyone found out we'd come all the way from Portland, they asked the same question - why here? And I guess it was a bit of an odd choice, seeing as we didn't know anyone, or really anything about the place. But after six days I…
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The Middle of Nowhere, Washington

Last weekend I took an impromptu trip North to catch the pre-opening day at Stevens Pass, which perhaps even more exciting meant going to Stevens Pass for the first time. Though I've driven past the sign for route 2 at least 100 times, I never made it east on that particular highway. We arrived in Skykomish well after dark, but it was pretty clear this town was awesome, in that, never wanna live here in a million years kinda way. Haunted brothel? Ok! We stayed at the only hotel in town, a classic joint with shared bathrooms and a cafe smelling of deep fryer attached. However, we were told the…
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Nature’s Magesty: The Olympic Peninsula

It was my 3rd 29th birthday last week, and since it's the one holiday a year that's all about me, that means I get to do whatever I want! This year I wanted to drop everything and take an impromptu trip to the Olympic Peninsula. Even though I've almost lived in the Northwest long enough to be considered a Northwesterner, this is one corner of the country I was yet to explore. There was a sign that said "rustic retreat" but despite Jared's greatest fears, the Manitou lodge had both electricity and showers. We stayed two nights in Forks, where they filmed Twilight and had I actually seen the movie,…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 2 — The Redwoods

Despite having my professional-photo-taking significant other in tow, I opted to take self portraits. My epic National Park adventure series continues with Redwoods National park. This time we were on the way to a rail jam in San Francisco and took an extra day to scope some big trees. Word to the wise: the end of October is a GREAT time to visit places that are supposed to be seen in the summer. No tourists! It's almost impossible to get the scale of these things without a person or something else for context. If you squint, you can see little Jared in this one. Fisheye + redwoods = Awesome If…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 1 — Yosemite

Look how much fun I'm having! I've taken three trips to California this year. Two of them I took a car the whole way, and the most recent involved a quick flight and a not-so-quick drive. But more important than the destination is the journey, and on each of these trips I've hit a notable national park for the first time. First Crater Lake last June. Then Red Woods national park a few weeks back and today, Yosemite! I've been meaning to post all the pictures here, so I'm gonna work backwards and make it happen. I'm about to get all Ansel Adams on shit, but the fall colors on…
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Viva Argentina!

The rumors are true. I went to South America. I spent most of the time snowboarding, and you can read lots of words about it here and here. This post though, is just a whole lot of pictures. Some from Cerro Catedral in Bariloche, and most from Buenos Aires, most notably Recoleta Cemetery. [nggallery id=43]
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Viva Sante Fe

I spent Labor Day weekend in Sante Fe for the joyous union of my cousin Emily in marriage. In between the three official parties, we did the tourist thing and I took some pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. Chimayo crosses. We stopped to take a picture of that house you can see in the background, but I actually like this aster close up better. If you know me, you know I am not religious, however, there was no shortage of religious paraphernalia on our stops, so get used to it. Obligatory Southwest cactus shot Behind this sign, there was a man selling various chili powers. He made…
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We’re Not In Kansas Any More

My most recent trip took me to the heartland of America. Well, wait, is Kansas in the heartland, or more like the pelvis? Whatever, it's a weird-ass place, probably one the strangest I've ever gone to on purpose. I was there for a wakeboard event at a cable park on a dead end road. In between where we stayed and the park was miles of mid-scale chain restaurants and big box stores, so I guess it was pretty much like anywhere else in America. I like to really immerse myself in the culture of a place though, so I managed to eat at Applebees, Old Chicago, Ruby Tuesdays, Chipotle and…
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Apparently most people don't randomly go on trips to Africa from Oregon. Something about the 23 hours of travel (each way), money, danger, etc etc. But fuck it, I do what I want and when my Internet friend (now real friend!) invited me to visit him in South Africa, I said, see ya Thursday. Now you may have caught some photos on Yobeat, but that was only one day of my trip! For the rest of my adventures, read on. We took one of those obnoxious red tourist busses around Johannessburg, and wouldn't ya know? I actually learned a bunch of stuff. It also probably prevented us from being robbed, as…
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Why The Hell Did We go to Newfoundland?

Despite cries from the plebeians that my "whole life is a vacation," sometimes I feel the need to actually get away from the Internet. But since the 'net is global, this can be a challenge. This year, I figured out the perfect destination. Newfoundland. It's closer than Europe, but they still have funny accents, and most importantly, international data ain't cheap, so my phone was more like a wifi-enabled camera. But when anyone found out we'd come all the way from Portland, they asked the same question - why here? And I guess it was a bit of an odd choice, seeing as we didn't know anyone, or really anything about the place. But after six days I…
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The Middle of Nowhere, Washington

Last weekend I took an impromptu trip North to catch the pre-opening day at Stevens Pass, which perhaps even more exciting meant going to Stevens Pass for the first time. Though I've driven past the sign for route 2 at least 100 times, I never made it east on that particular highway. We arrived in Skykomish well after dark, but it was pretty clear this town was awesome, in that, never wanna live here in a million years kinda way. Haunted brothel? Ok! We stayed at the only hotel in town, a classic joint with shared bathrooms and a cafe smelling of deep fryer attached. However, we were told the…
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Nature’s Magesty: The Olympic Peninsula

It was my 3rd 29th birthday last week, and since it's the one holiday a year that's all about me, that means I get to do whatever I want! This year I wanted to drop everything and take an impromptu trip to the Olympic Peninsula. Even though I've almost lived in the Northwest long enough to be considered a Northwesterner, this is one corner of the country I was yet to explore. There was a sign that said "rustic retreat" but despite Jared's greatest fears, the Manitou lodge had both electricity and showers. We stayed two nights in Forks, where they filmed Twilight and had I actually seen the movie,…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 2 — The Redwoods

Despite having my professional-photo-taking significant other in tow, I opted to take self portraits. My epic National Park adventure series continues with Redwoods National park. This time we were on the way to a rail jam in San Francisco and took an extra day to scope some big trees. Word to the wise: the end of October is a GREAT time to visit places that are supposed to be seen in the summer. No tourists! It's almost impossible to get the scale of these things without a person or something else for context. If you squint, you can see little Jared in this one. Fisheye + redwoods = Awesome If…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 1 — Yosemite

Look how much fun I'm having! I've taken three trips to California this year. Two of them I took a car the whole way, and the most recent involved a quick flight and a not-so-quick drive. But more important than the destination is the journey, and on each of these trips I've hit a notable national park for the first time. First Crater Lake last June. Then Red Woods national park a few weeks back and today, Yosemite! I've been meaning to post all the pictures here, so I'm gonna work backwards and make it happen. I'm about to get all Ansel Adams on shit, but the fall colors on…
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Viva Argentina!

The rumors are true. I went to South America. I spent most of the time snowboarding, and you can read lots of words about it here and here. This post though, is just a whole lot of pictures. Some from Cerro Catedral in Bariloche, and most from Buenos Aires, most notably Recoleta Cemetery. [nggallery id=43]
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Viva Sante Fe

I spent Labor Day weekend in Sante Fe for the joyous union of my cousin Emily in marriage. In between the three official parties, we did the tourist thing and I took some pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. Chimayo crosses. We stopped to take a picture of that house you can see in the background, but I actually like this aster close up better. If you know me, you know I am not religious, however, there was no shortage of religious paraphernalia on our stops, so get used to it. Obligatory Southwest cactus shot Behind this sign, there was a man selling various chili powers. He made…
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We’re Not In Kansas Any More

My most recent trip took me to the heartland of America. Well, wait, is Kansas in the heartland, or more like the pelvis? Whatever, it's a weird-ass place, probably one the strangest I've ever gone to on purpose. I was there for a wakeboard event at a cable park on a dead end road. In between where we stayed and the park was miles of mid-scale chain restaurants and big box stores, so I guess it was pretty much like anywhere else in America. I like to really immerse myself in the culture of a place though, so I managed to eat at Applebees, Old Chicago, Ruby Tuesdays, Chipotle and…
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Apparently most people don't randomly go on trips to Africa from Oregon. Something about the 23 hours of travel (each way), money, danger, etc etc. But fuck it, I do what I want and when my Internet friend (now real friend!) invited me to visit him in South Africa, I said, see ya Thursday. Now you may have caught some photos on Yobeat, but that was only one day of my trip! For the rest of my adventures, read on. We took one of those obnoxious red tourist busses around Johannessburg, and wouldn't ya know? I actually learned a bunch of stuff. It also probably prevented us from being robbed, as…
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Why The Hell Did We go to Newfoundland?

Despite cries from the plebeians that my "whole life is a vacation," sometimes I feel the need to actually get away from the Internet. But since the 'net is global, this can be a challenge. This year, I figured out the perfect destination. Newfoundland. It's closer than Europe, but they still have funny accents, and most importantly, international data ain't cheap, so my phone was more like a wifi-enabled camera. But when anyone found out we'd come all the way from Portland, they asked the same question - why here? And I guess it was a bit of an odd choice, seeing as we didn't know anyone, or really anything about the place. But after six days I…
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The Middle of Nowhere, Washington

Last weekend I took an impromptu trip North to catch the pre-opening day at Stevens Pass, which perhaps even more exciting meant going to Stevens Pass for the first time. Though I've driven past the sign for route 2 at least 100 times, I never made it east on that particular highway. We arrived in Skykomish well after dark, but it was pretty clear this town was awesome, in that, never wanna live here in a million years kinda way. Haunted brothel? Ok! We stayed at the only hotel in town, a classic joint with shared bathrooms and a cafe smelling of deep fryer attached. However, we were told the…
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Nature’s Magesty: The Olympic Peninsula

It was my 3rd 29th birthday last week, and since it's the one holiday a year that's all about me, that means I get to do whatever I want! This year I wanted to drop everything and take an impromptu trip to the Olympic Peninsula. Even though I've almost lived in the Northwest long enough to be considered a Northwesterner, this is one corner of the country I was yet to explore. There was a sign that said "rustic retreat" but despite Jared's greatest fears, the Manitou lodge had both electricity and showers. We stayed two nights in Forks, where they filmed Twilight and had I actually seen the movie,…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 2 — The Redwoods

Despite having my professional-photo-taking significant other in tow, I opted to take self portraits. My epic National Park adventure series continues with Redwoods National park. This time we were on the way to a rail jam in San Francisco and took an extra day to scope some big trees. Word to the wise: the end of October is a GREAT time to visit places that are supposed to be seen in the summer. No tourists! It's almost impossible to get the scale of these things without a person or something else for context. If you squint, you can see little Jared in this one. Fisheye + redwoods = Awesome If…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 1 — Yosemite

Look how much fun I'm having! I've taken three trips to California this year. Two of them I took a car the whole way, and the most recent involved a quick flight and a not-so-quick drive. But more important than the destination is the journey, and on each of these trips I've hit a notable national park for the first time. First Crater Lake last June. Then Red Woods national park a few weeks back and today, Yosemite! I've been meaning to post all the pictures here, so I'm gonna work backwards and make it happen. I'm about to get all Ansel Adams on shit, but the fall colors on…
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Viva Argentina!

The rumors are true. I went to South America. I spent most of the time snowboarding, and you can read lots of words about it here and here. This post though, is just a whole lot of pictures. Some from Cerro Catedral in Bariloche, and most from Buenos Aires, most notably Recoleta Cemetery. [nggallery id=43]
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Viva Sante Fe

I spent Labor Day weekend in Sante Fe for the joyous union of my cousin Emily in marriage. In between the three official parties, we did the tourist thing and I took some pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. Chimayo crosses. We stopped to take a picture of that house you can see in the background, but I actually like this aster close up better. If you know me, you know I am not religious, however, there was no shortage of religious paraphernalia on our stops, so get used to it. Obligatory Southwest cactus shot Behind this sign, there was a man selling various chili powers. He made…
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We’re Not In Kansas Any More

My most recent trip took me to the heartland of America. Well, wait, is Kansas in the heartland, or more like the pelvis? Whatever, it's a weird-ass place, probably one the strangest I've ever gone to on purpose. I was there for a wakeboard event at a cable park on a dead end road. In between where we stayed and the park was miles of mid-scale chain restaurants and big box stores, so I guess it was pretty much like anywhere else in America. I like to really immerse myself in the culture of a place though, so I managed to eat at Applebees, Old Chicago, Ruby Tuesdays, Chipotle and…
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Apparently most people don't randomly go on trips to Africa from Oregon. Something about the 23 hours of travel (each way), money, danger, etc etc. But fuck it, I do what I want and when my Internet friend (now real friend!) invited me to visit him in South Africa, I said, see ya Thursday. Now you may have caught some photos on Yobeat, but that was only one day of my trip! For the rest of my adventures, read on. We took one of those obnoxious red tourist busses around Johannessburg, and wouldn't ya know? I actually learned a bunch of stuff. It also probably prevented us from being robbed, as…
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Why The Hell Did We go to Newfoundland?

Despite cries from the plebeians that my "whole life is a vacation," sometimes I feel the need to actually get away from the Internet. But since the 'net is global, this can be a challenge. This year, I figured out the perfect destination. Newfoundland. It's closer than Europe, but they still have funny accents, and most importantly, international data ain't cheap, so my phone was more like a wifi-enabled camera. But when anyone found out we'd come all the way from Portland, they asked the same question - why here? And I guess it was a bit of an odd choice, seeing as we didn't know anyone, or really anything about the place. But after six days I…
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The Middle of Nowhere, Washington

Last weekend I took an impromptu trip North to catch the pre-opening day at Stevens Pass, which perhaps even more exciting meant going to Stevens Pass for the first time. Though I've driven past the sign for route 2 at least 100 times, I never made it east on that particular highway. We arrived in Skykomish well after dark, but it was pretty clear this town was awesome, in that, never wanna live here in a million years kinda way. Haunted brothel? Ok! We stayed at the only hotel in town, a classic joint with shared bathrooms and a cafe smelling of deep fryer attached. However, we were told the…
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Nature’s Magesty: The Olympic Peninsula

It was my 3rd 29th birthday last week, and since it's the one holiday a year that's all about me, that means I get to do whatever I want! This year I wanted to drop everything and take an impromptu trip to the Olympic Peninsula. Even though I've almost lived in the Northwest long enough to be considered a Northwesterner, this is one corner of the country I was yet to explore. There was a sign that said "rustic retreat" but despite Jared's greatest fears, the Manitou lodge had both electricity and showers. We stayed two nights in Forks, where they filmed Twilight and had I actually seen the movie,…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 2 — The Redwoods

Despite having my professional-photo-taking significant other in tow, I opted to take self portraits. My epic National Park adventure series continues with Redwoods National park. This time we were on the way to a rail jam in San Francisco and took an extra day to scope some big trees. Word to the wise: the end of October is a GREAT time to visit places that are supposed to be seen in the summer. No tourists! It's almost impossible to get the scale of these things without a person or something else for context. If you squint, you can see little Jared in this one. Fisheye + redwoods = Awesome If…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 1 — Yosemite

Look how much fun I'm having! I've taken three trips to California this year. Two of them I took a car the whole way, and the most recent involved a quick flight and a not-so-quick drive. But more important than the destination is the journey, and on each of these trips I've hit a notable national park for the first time. First Crater Lake last June. Then Red Woods national park a few weeks back and today, Yosemite! I've been meaning to post all the pictures here, so I'm gonna work backwards and make it happen. I'm about to get all Ansel Adams on shit, but the fall colors on…
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Viva Argentina!

The rumors are true. I went to South America. I spent most of the time snowboarding, and you can read lots of words about it here and here. This post though, is just a whole lot of pictures. Some from Cerro Catedral in Bariloche, and most from Buenos Aires, most notably Recoleta Cemetery. [nggallery id=43]
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Viva Sante Fe

I spent Labor Day weekend in Sante Fe for the joyous union of my cousin Emily in marriage. In between the three official parties, we did the tourist thing and I took some pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. Chimayo crosses. We stopped to take a picture of that house you can see in the background, but I actually like this aster close up better. If you know me, you know I am not religious, however, there was no shortage of religious paraphernalia on our stops, so get used to it. Obligatory Southwest cactus shot Behind this sign, there was a man selling various chili powers. He made…
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We’re Not In Kansas Any More

My most recent trip took me to the heartland of America. Well, wait, is Kansas in the heartland, or more like the pelvis? Whatever, it's a weird-ass place, probably one the strangest I've ever gone to on purpose. I was there for a wakeboard event at a cable park on a dead end road. In between where we stayed and the park was miles of mid-scale chain restaurants and big box stores, so I guess it was pretty much like anywhere else in America. I like to really immerse myself in the culture of a place though, so I managed to eat at Applebees, Old Chicago, Ruby Tuesdays, Chipotle and…
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Apparently most people don't randomly go on trips to Africa from Oregon. Something about the 23 hours of travel (each way), money, danger, etc etc. But fuck it, I do what I want and when my Internet friend (now real friend!) invited me to visit him in South Africa, I said, see ya Thursday. Now you may have caught some photos on Yobeat, but that was only one day of my trip! For the rest of my adventures, read on. We took one of those obnoxious red tourist busses around Johannessburg, and wouldn't ya know? I actually learned a bunch of stuff. It also probably prevented us from being robbed, as…
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Why The Hell Did We go to Newfoundland?

Despite cries from the plebeians that my "whole life is a vacation," sometimes I feel the need to actually get away from the Internet. But since the 'net is global, this can be a challenge. This year, I figured out the perfect destination. Newfoundland. It's closer than Europe, but they still have funny accents, and most importantly, international data ain't cheap, so my phone was more like a wifi-enabled camera. But when anyone found out we'd come all the way from Portland, they asked the same question - why here? And I guess it was a bit of an odd choice, seeing as we didn't know anyone, or really anything about the place. But after six days I…
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The Middle of Nowhere, Washington

Last weekend I took an impromptu trip North to catch the pre-opening day at Stevens Pass, which perhaps even more exciting meant going to Stevens Pass for the first time. Though I've driven past the sign for route 2 at least 100 times, I never made it east on that particular highway. We arrived in Skykomish well after dark, but it was pretty clear this town was awesome, in that, never wanna live here in a million years kinda way. Haunted brothel? Ok! We stayed at the only hotel in town, a classic joint with shared bathrooms and a cafe smelling of deep fryer attached. However, we were told the…
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Nature’s Magesty: The Olympic Peninsula

It was my 3rd 29th birthday last week, and since it's the one holiday a year that's all about me, that means I get to do whatever I want! This year I wanted to drop everything and take an impromptu trip to the Olympic Peninsula. Even though I've almost lived in the Northwest long enough to be considered a Northwesterner, this is one corner of the country I was yet to explore. There was a sign that said "rustic retreat" but despite Jared's greatest fears, the Manitou lodge had both electricity and showers. We stayed two nights in Forks, where they filmed Twilight and had I actually seen the movie,…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 2 — The Redwoods

Despite having my professional-photo-taking significant other in tow, I opted to take self portraits. My epic National Park adventure series continues with Redwoods National park. This time we were on the way to a rail jam in San Francisco and took an extra day to scope some big trees. Word to the wise: the end of October is a GREAT time to visit places that are supposed to be seen in the summer. No tourists! It's almost impossible to get the scale of these things without a person or something else for context. If you squint, you can see little Jared in this one. Fisheye + redwoods = Awesome If…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 1 — Yosemite

Look how much fun I'm having! I've taken three trips to California this year. Two of them I took a car the whole way, and the most recent involved a quick flight and a not-so-quick drive. But more important than the destination is the journey, and on each of these trips I've hit a notable national park for the first time. First Crater Lake last June. Then Red Woods national park a few weeks back and today, Yosemite! I've been meaning to post all the pictures here, so I'm gonna work backwards and make it happen. I'm about to get all Ansel Adams on shit, but the fall colors on…
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Viva Argentina!

The rumors are true. I went to South America. I spent most of the time snowboarding, and you can read lots of words about it here and here. This post though, is just a whole lot of pictures. Some from Cerro Catedral in Bariloche, and most from Buenos Aires, most notably Recoleta Cemetery. [nggallery id=43]
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Viva Sante Fe

I spent Labor Day weekend in Sante Fe for the joyous union of my cousin Emily in marriage. In between the three official parties, we did the tourist thing and I took some pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. Chimayo crosses. We stopped to take a picture of that house you can see in the background, but I actually like this aster close up better. If you know me, you know I am not religious, however, there was no shortage of religious paraphernalia on our stops, so get used to it. Obligatory Southwest cactus shot Behind this sign, there was a man selling various chili powers. He made…
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We’re Not In Kansas Any More

My most recent trip took me to the heartland of America. Well, wait, is Kansas in the heartland, or more like the pelvis? Whatever, it's a weird-ass place, probably one the strangest I've ever gone to on purpose. I was there for a wakeboard event at a cable park on a dead end road. In between where we stayed and the park was miles of mid-scale chain restaurants and big box stores, so I guess it was pretty much like anywhere else in America. I like to really immerse myself in the culture of a place though, so I managed to eat at Applebees, Old Chicago, Ruby Tuesdays, Chipotle and…
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Apparently most people don't randomly go on trips to Africa from Oregon. Something about the 23 hours of travel (each way), money, danger, etc etc. But fuck it, I do what I want and when my Internet friend (now real friend!) invited me to visit him in South Africa, I said, see ya Thursday. Now you may have caught some photos on Yobeat, but that was only one day of my trip! For the rest of my adventures, read on. We took one of those obnoxious red tourist busses around Johannessburg, and wouldn't ya know? I actually learned a bunch of stuff. It also probably prevented us from being robbed, as…
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Why The Hell Did We go to Newfoundland?

Despite cries from the plebeians that my "whole life is a vacation," sometimes I feel the need to actually get away from the Internet. But since the 'net is global, this can be a challenge. This year, I figured out the perfect destination. Newfoundland. It's closer than Europe, but they still have funny accents, and most importantly, international data ain't cheap, so my phone was more like a wifi-enabled camera. But when anyone found out we'd come all the way from Portland, they asked the same question - why here? And I guess it was a bit of an odd choice, seeing as we didn't know anyone, or really anything about the place. But after six days I…
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The Middle of Nowhere, Washington

Last weekend I took an impromptu trip North to catch the pre-opening day at Stevens Pass, which perhaps even more exciting meant going to Stevens Pass for the first time. Though I've driven past the sign for route 2 at least 100 times, I never made it east on that particular highway. We arrived in Skykomish well after dark, but it was pretty clear this town was awesome, in that, never wanna live here in a million years kinda way. Haunted brothel? Ok! We stayed at the only hotel in town, a classic joint with shared bathrooms and a cafe smelling of deep fryer attached. However, we were told the…
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Nature’s Magesty: The Olympic Peninsula

It was my 3rd 29th birthday last week, and since it's the one holiday a year that's all about me, that means I get to do whatever I want! This year I wanted to drop everything and take an impromptu trip to the Olympic Peninsula. Even though I've almost lived in the Northwest long enough to be considered a Northwesterner, this is one corner of the country I was yet to explore. There was a sign that said "rustic retreat" but despite Jared's greatest fears, the Manitou lodge had both electricity and showers. We stayed two nights in Forks, where they filmed Twilight and had I actually seen the movie,…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 2 — The Redwoods

Despite having my professional-photo-taking significant other in tow, I opted to take self portraits. My epic National Park adventure series continues with Redwoods National park. This time we were on the way to a rail jam in San Francisco and took an extra day to scope some big trees. Word to the wise: the end of October is a GREAT time to visit places that are supposed to be seen in the summer. No tourists! It's almost impossible to get the scale of these things without a person or something else for context. If you squint, you can see little Jared in this one. Fisheye + redwoods = Awesome If…
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Nature’s Majesty: Part 1 — Yosemite

Look how much fun I'm having! I've taken three trips to California this year. Two of them I took a car the whole way, and the most recent involved a quick flight and a not-so-quick drive. But more important than the destination is the journey, and on each of these trips I've hit a notable national park for the first time. First Crater Lake last June. Then Red Woods national park a few weeks back and today, Yosemite! I've been meaning to post all the pictures here, so I'm gonna work backwards and make it happen. I'm about to get all Ansel Adams on shit, but the fall colors on…
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Viva Argentina!

The rumors are true. I went to South America. I spent most of the time snowboarding, and you can read lots of words about it here and here. This post though, is just a whole lot of pictures. Some from Cerro Catedral in Bariloche, and most from Buenos Aires, most notably Recoleta Cemetery. [nggallery id=43]
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Viva Sante Fe

I spent Labor Day weekend in Sante Fe for the joyous union of my cousin Emily in marriage. In between the three official parties, we did the tourist thing and I took some pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. Chimayo crosses. We stopped to take a picture of that house you can see in the background, but I actually like this aster close up better. If you know me, you know I am not religious, however, there was no shortage of religious paraphernalia on our stops, so get used to it. Obligatory Southwest cactus shot Behind this sign, there was a man selling various chili powers. He made…
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We’re Not In Kansas Any More

My most recent trip took me to the heartland of America. Well, wait, is Kansas in the heartland, or more like the pelvis? Whatever, it's a weird-ass place, probably one the strangest I've ever gone to on purpose. I was there for a wakeboard event at a cable park on a dead end road. In between where we stayed and the park was miles of mid-scale chain restaurants and big box stores, so I guess it was pretty much like anywhere else in America. I like to really immerse myself in the culture of a place though, so I managed to eat at Applebees, Old Chicago, Ruby Tuesdays, Chipotle and…
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