How to Keep the Dream Alive


This is from the 90s. I was sure I would “make it” and be as cool as JP was soon!

If you are reading this site, there’s a good chance you do now, or at one point, wanted to be a pro snowboarder. I know I did. All the glamor, travel, and most importantly free stuff seemed mighty tempting. For me an injury essentially ended my “career,” but for most life just happens. One day, you wake up and realize you’re in your mid 20s and 17-year-old kids are way, way better than you ever were or ever will be. But don’t fret. The dream doesn’t have to die with your desire to do a double cork. Here are a few suggestions for keeping the dream alive.

1.    Start a video production company. It’s totally legit to film your semisweet skills if you are part of a “crew.” Sure, you personally are nothing that special anymore, but since you and all your buddies are “making it happen” it’s totally cool that you get a short part in the film. Since you’ll likely be overshadowed by others’ sweeter skills in the video, be sure to re edit your part to make sure you keep those free boards flowing! (Love you Pat!)

2.    Get an industry job. Those industry guys get tons of free stuff, after all, they are the ones who give it out. But be warned, the best jobs, the ones the include travel and the most free gear, usually go to ex pros who’ve already lived the dream. If you don’t have any real skills, customer service is probably the best you’ll do, but at least you can tell people about how cool the company you work for is. (Love you Nate!)

3.    Get a camera. There is tons of money in snowboard photography. You will be making so much of it you can go to the store and buy whatever you want, whenever you want, which is truly the dream. (Love you Robbie!)

4.    Date a pro. Obviously this is easier for girls than boys, but there are a few single somewhat lovely ladies who will totally hook you up with their hand-me-down gear when they get rid of it. If that’s not a dream, I don’t know what is. (Love you Shaun White’s girlfriend!)

5.    Work for a magazine. Sorry kids, print is dying, better not get your hopes up for this one. You could probably start a blog though. I’ve heard it’s not that hard. (Love you magazines!)

6.    Just go snowboarding for fun.  Be a smart shopper and buy a new board when you need one. Get exactly what you want. Have the most fun.

  1. Shit. the 17 year olds have been better than me for a decade… +1

    Guess I’ll just try and have fun from now on. Thx for pointing me in the right direction.

  2. I’m pretty sure being old and mediocre is gonna be the hot thing next decade.

  3. beatniksucio

    Snowboarding for pure fun is the best way to go about it. What it should be and what it is

  4. Fonzie

    I like #6. I started riding at 22 (3 years ago) so the desire to go pro never fully manifested itself. Learning a new trick every so often and cruising around with homies keeps me satisfied.

  5. yoBro


  6. tom thrash

    My 8 year old was counting my season passes the other day… She looked up and said “wow dad, you’ve been snowboarding for 18 years! How come you just don’t do it for a living?”. I told her I kind of do because my entire life, career, friends, vacations and pretty much anything that means something has been designed around one thing, snowboarding…

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