Kitty Soccer (the reedit)

I am still learning to use iMovie. Now that am into this making movies thing, I figure I should learn all the tricks. If I was really serious, I would get a real program to edit with, but for now, iMovie will suffice. Anyway, I was whining about having the reimport clips over and over if you want to use multiple pieces of them, and a very wise man informed me that you could actually split the clips right in iMovie. Who knew! Anyway, I looked it up and decided I could make Kitty Soccer way more funny with this new found skill, so I did a reedit. Since only like 20 people watched the original (and at least five of those views were me) it shouldn’t be too redundant. I am really hoping this slick reedit catches the eye of the people who put Youtube videos on the mainpage and I get famous and featured on Animal Planet Best Week Ever or something.

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