One last issue…


This morning I got an email from Bill McCaffray, publisher of Alliance Multimedia, a.k.a. my boss. It just said “blog about the new wakeskate mag” in the subject and thanks in the body. While he was probably referring to a blog on and not here, I am doing both. Hopefully this one will be more interesting than the other though.

The new issue of Alliance Wakeskate went live last night. Actually, we were trying to launch a completely new site at the end of February, but as things often seem to go, it didn’t happen. The panic solution for how long the site was actually going to take to build came in the form of one final issue in the old web-zine format. Usually we have two months of lead time to make these happen. This one came together in a week. Normally I have to harass contributors for weeks to get anything done. But for this issue, one of the stories came in about 20 minutes after it was assigned. The design took half as long as normal. But perhaps the most amazing part is that the advertisements actually came in on time! Normally, we wait weeks beyond the deadline, while the completed issue sits idly online and inevitably some kid from the wakeskate message board finds it and posts the link and tries to ruin the surprise. None of that happened this time. We decided we were doing an issue, I put the content together in a day, Brandon layed it out and it went live, much to the glee of the wakeskating public.

My favorite part of putting out a new issue is the message board thread that pops up. Usually it’s just a bunch of people talking shit, but for some reason they really like what we are doing and these threads are always positive. It’s rad to actually get a response to what you are doing. Here’s the one for this issue. And if you have been inspired, go check out the actual issue.

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