All Work and No Play

The first night I arrived in lovely Orlando, Florida (Whether you are returning home, here on business, or visiting our world class attractions...) I went straight from the airport to BBQ Bar. Back before I developed my abhorrence towards bars and "going out" I really liked BBQ bar. It reminded me of college, and they always played good music. Now I just go there once per trip to Florida because I feel like a should. But as I was standing outside in the suffocating Orlando humidity, Yueng-Ling in my hand and surrounded with old friends I proclaimed that I wasn't going to work so hard this trip. I was going…
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Water skateboarding and new toys

I'm at the halfway mark on my trip to Orlando. Actually a little bit past it, but whatever. I've worked too much, slept too little and gotten a sunburn on my lower legs only. The first three days of my trip were spent milling about at surf expo, talking about the industry, pretending I care, etc. On Sunday, partially to avoid having to help break down the booth, and partially because I just wanted to get out of there, I spent at least three hours trying to leave. But I didn't want to just leave alone, because then I knew I would not do anything useful. I was either going…
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Anonymous Internet Hate

Working predominantly on the Internet, especially in these wonderful days of web 2.0, is awesome. Not only is the Internet endless, meaning you can write just about anything you want, (and I've got some good random ideas I've finally been able to bring to fruition thanks to Yobeat) but you get to know exactly what everyone else thinks of it, practically minutes after it's posted! No more waiting around for letters in the mail, which people rarely even bothered to write. Even before you could comment on everything, it was a matter of someone actually opening their mail program and writing an email. Then that email would actually say where…
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Entourage Season 5. It’s really here!

So I, like pretty much everyone else I know who watches television, have been anxiously awaiting the return of Entourage. And while I know you could probably find some pirate site to watch it free online, or just wait until it comes out on DVD, I need it in real time. So at 7:30 on Sunday, I called Comcast and added HBO to my cable package. Of course when I called and asked to add it, the girl on the other end of the line simply replied, "getting ready to watch Entourage?" I confirmed and then made sure to complain about how expensive cable was in a witty way, because…
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Recapturing my Youth with 9-0

Now that I have decided I will be 25 for the rest of my life, it's important that I keep up with what the kids are into. But I felt like a real failure when my short attention span and general busyness prevented me from appreciating that 90210 was coming back. Yeah, I'd seen the ads and heard rumors about the return of Brenda, etc., but it hadn't really set in what this all meant. It wasn't until Sarah Morrison responded to my IM yesterday with "90210 starts tonight" that I realized I should be really excited about this. I mean, I loved the original. We even had a party…
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Closer to God

If you've been to my house, then you've no doubt commented on the neighborhood eyesore, a.k.a. the Apostolic Faith church. When I was house shopping, I almost didn't come look at my house. Not because of its proximity to the church, but because it really didn't look like much in the pictures. But I figured why not, and the real estate agent brought me in from the east, so I never laid eyes on the church until after I had already toured my house and decided it was the one. Of course, when I left the house, I made it a point to drive out the opposite direction to check…
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The Future is Now

I am a big fan of making web videos. Not so much of watching them, but I love to make them and post them and then watch the traffic add up. But my issue with Youtube is that whole 100 mb limit. Unless your video is 30 seconds long, it's near impossible to make it look like anything other than crap when you compress it to under 100 mb. And never fail I would export my finished video to find it was 101 mb, meaning I would have to lower the quality even more to get it to load. It was a travesty really. But everything has changed now that…
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Back tracking

 I though this would be a fitting follow up to my last post, filled with useful advice as to how to bolster a career. You see, this is a good example of what NOT to do, but man, it made me laugh so hard. Perhaps I've mentioned the relaunch of YoBeat (ten times.) Well the thing about YoBeat is it is purposely brutal. Snowboarding needs a honest, independent publication, and well, I'm not always known for my positivity. Yobeat is a place to say exactly what I think and feel. As I've gotten older I've mellowed slightly, so sometimes I may try a little too hard to be edgy. Such…
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“Making it”

I don’t know when it happened, but it seems I’ve become one of the people in snowboard “journalism” others look up to. When I was just starting out it was people like Dave England, Dave Carnie and yeah, even Pat Bridges for me. I still have a hard time feeling good about comparing myself to these people (and not just cause I am a girl) but it seems like are some people out there who would. One thing all these guys shared, other than being funny dudes, was that I was a little bit afraid of them. Pat used to invite me to breakfast and I would show up to…
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The Aftermath

How does a bad trip get even worse? When it gets really, really expensive. Around day three things were ok, after all, it was almost over. I thought I might escape from Canada unscathed. The contest had just wrapped up and I was joyfully skipping to my car. Since wakeskaters are all 19 and can't rent cars, a few of them had asked me for a ride back to the hotel. I set my camera bag, tripod and water housing on the ground next to my car so that the teens could put their boards and bags in the trunk first, then sat in the car. I half forgot about…
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All Work and No Play

The first night I arrived in lovely Orlando, Florida (Whether you are returning home, here on business, or visiting our world class attractions...) I went straight from the airport to BBQ Bar. Back before I developed my abhorrence towards bars and "going out" I really liked BBQ bar. It reminded me of college, and they always played good music. Now I just go there once per trip to Florida because I feel like a should. But as I was standing outside in the suffocating Orlando humidity, Yueng-Ling in my hand and surrounded with old friends I proclaimed that I wasn't going to work so hard this trip. I was going…
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Water skateboarding and new toys

I'm at the halfway mark on my trip to Orlando. Actually a little bit past it, but whatever. I've worked too much, slept too little and gotten a sunburn on my lower legs only. The first three days of my trip were spent milling about at surf expo, talking about the industry, pretending I care, etc. On Sunday, partially to avoid having to help break down the booth, and partially because I just wanted to get out of there, I spent at least three hours trying to leave. But I didn't want to just leave alone, because then I knew I would not do anything useful. I was either going…
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Anonymous Internet Hate

Working predominantly on the Internet, especially in these wonderful days of web 2.0, is awesome. Not only is the Internet endless, meaning you can write just about anything you want, (and I've got some good random ideas I've finally been able to bring to fruition thanks to Yobeat) but you get to know exactly what everyone else thinks of it, practically minutes after it's posted! No more waiting around for letters in the mail, which people rarely even bothered to write. Even before you could comment on everything, it was a matter of someone actually opening their mail program and writing an email. Then that email would actually say where…
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Entourage Season 5. It’s really here!

So I, like pretty much everyone else I know who watches television, have been anxiously awaiting the return of Entourage. And while I know you could probably find some pirate site to watch it free online, or just wait until it comes out on DVD, I need it in real time. So at 7:30 on Sunday, I called Comcast and added HBO to my cable package. Of course when I called and asked to add it, the girl on the other end of the line simply replied, "getting ready to watch Entourage?" I confirmed and then made sure to complain about how expensive cable was in a witty way, because…
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Recapturing my Youth with 9-0

Now that I have decided I will be 25 for the rest of my life, it's important that I keep up with what the kids are into. But I felt like a real failure when my short attention span and general busyness prevented me from appreciating that 90210 was coming back. Yeah, I'd seen the ads and heard rumors about the return of Brenda, etc., but it hadn't really set in what this all meant. It wasn't until Sarah Morrison responded to my IM yesterday with "90210 starts tonight" that I realized I should be really excited about this. I mean, I loved the original. We even had a party…
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Closer to God

If you've been to my house, then you've no doubt commented on the neighborhood eyesore, a.k.a. the Apostolic Faith church. When I was house shopping, I almost didn't come look at my house. Not because of its proximity to the church, but because it really didn't look like much in the pictures. But I figured why not, and the real estate agent brought me in from the east, so I never laid eyes on the church until after I had already toured my house and decided it was the one. Of course, when I left the house, I made it a point to drive out the opposite direction to check…
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The Future is Now

I am a big fan of making web videos. Not so much of watching them, but I love to make them and post them and then watch the traffic add up. But my issue with Youtube is that whole 100 mb limit. Unless your video is 30 seconds long, it's near impossible to make it look like anything other than crap when you compress it to under 100 mb. And never fail I would export my finished video to find it was 101 mb, meaning I would have to lower the quality even more to get it to load. It was a travesty really. But everything has changed now that…
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Back tracking

 I though this would be a fitting follow up to my last post, filled with useful advice as to how to bolster a career. You see, this is a good example of what NOT to do, but man, it made me laugh so hard. Perhaps I've mentioned the relaunch of YoBeat (ten times.) Well the thing about YoBeat is it is purposely brutal. Snowboarding needs a honest, independent publication, and well, I'm not always known for my positivity. Yobeat is a place to say exactly what I think and feel. As I've gotten older I've mellowed slightly, so sometimes I may try a little too hard to be edgy. Such…
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“Making it”

I don’t know when it happened, but it seems I’ve become one of the people in snowboard “journalism” others look up to. When I was just starting out it was people like Dave England, Dave Carnie and yeah, even Pat Bridges for me. I still have a hard time feeling good about comparing myself to these people (and not just cause I am a girl) but it seems like are some people out there who would. One thing all these guys shared, other than being funny dudes, was that I was a little bit afraid of them. Pat used to invite me to breakfast and I would show up to…
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The Aftermath

How does a bad trip get even worse? When it gets really, really expensive. Around day three things were ok, after all, it was almost over. I thought I might escape from Canada unscathed. The contest had just wrapped up and I was joyfully skipping to my car. Since wakeskaters are all 19 and can't rent cars, a few of them had asked me for a ride back to the hotel. I set my camera bag, tripod and water housing on the ground next to my car so that the teens could put their boards and bags in the trunk first, then sat in the car. I half forgot about…
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All Work and No Play

The first night I arrived in lovely Orlando, Florida (Whether you are returning home, here on business, or visiting our world class attractions...) I went straight from the airport to BBQ Bar. Back before I developed my abhorrence towards bars and "going out" I really liked BBQ bar. It reminded me of college, and they always played good music. Now I just go there once per trip to Florida because I feel like a should. But as I was standing outside in the suffocating Orlando humidity, Yueng-Ling in my hand and surrounded with old friends I proclaimed that I wasn't going to work so hard this trip. I was going…
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Water skateboarding and new toys

I'm at the halfway mark on my trip to Orlando. Actually a little bit past it, but whatever. I've worked too much, slept too little and gotten a sunburn on my lower legs only. The first three days of my trip were spent milling about at surf expo, talking about the industry, pretending I care, etc. On Sunday, partially to avoid having to help break down the booth, and partially because I just wanted to get out of there, I spent at least three hours trying to leave. But I didn't want to just leave alone, because then I knew I would not do anything useful. I was either going…
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Anonymous Internet Hate

Working predominantly on the Internet, especially in these wonderful days of web 2.0, is awesome. Not only is the Internet endless, meaning you can write just about anything you want, (and I've got some good random ideas I've finally been able to bring to fruition thanks to Yobeat) but you get to know exactly what everyone else thinks of it, practically minutes after it's posted! No more waiting around for letters in the mail, which people rarely even bothered to write. Even before you could comment on everything, it was a matter of someone actually opening their mail program and writing an email. Then that email would actually say where…
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Entourage Season 5. It’s really here!

So I, like pretty much everyone else I know who watches television, have been anxiously awaiting the return of Entourage. And while I know you could probably find some pirate site to watch it free online, or just wait until it comes out on DVD, I need it in real time. So at 7:30 on Sunday, I called Comcast and added HBO to my cable package. Of course when I called and asked to add it, the girl on the other end of the line simply replied, "getting ready to watch Entourage?" I confirmed and then made sure to complain about how expensive cable was in a witty way, because…
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Recapturing my Youth with 9-0

Now that I have decided I will be 25 for the rest of my life, it's important that I keep up with what the kids are into. But I felt like a real failure when my short attention span and general busyness prevented me from appreciating that 90210 was coming back. Yeah, I'd seen the ads and heard rumors about the return of Brenda, etc., but it hadn't really set in what this all meant. It wasn't until Sarah Morrison responded to my IM yesterday with "90210 starts tonight" that I realized I should be really excited about this. I mean, I loved the original. We even had a party…
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Closer to God

If you've been to my house, then you've no doubt commented on the neighborhood eyesore, a.k.a. the Apostolic Faith church. When I was house shopping, I almost didn't come look at my house. Not because of its proximity to the church, but because it really didn't look like much in the pictures. But I figured why not, and the real estate agent brought me in from the east, so I never laid eyes on the church until after I had already toured my house and decided it was the one. Of course, when I left the house, I made it a point to drive out the opposite direction to check…
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The Future is Now

I am a big fan of making web videos. Not so much of watching them, but I love to make them and post them and then watch the traffic add up. But my issue with Youtube is that whole 100 mb limit. Unless your video is 30 seconds long, it's near impossible to make it look like anything other than crap when you compress it to under 100 mb. And never fail I would export my finished video to find it was 101 mb, meaning I would have to lower the quality even more to get it to load. It was a travesty really. But everything has changed now that…
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Back tracking

 I though this would be a fitting follow up to my last post, filled with useful advice as to how to bolster a career. You see, this is a good example of what NOT to do, but man, it made me laugh so hard. Perhaps I've mentioned the relaunch of YoBeat (ten times.) Well the thing about YoBeat is it is purposely brutal. Snowboarding needs a honest, independent publication, and well, I'm not always known for my positivity. Yobeat is a place to say exactly what I think and feel. As I've gotten older I've mellowed slightly, so sometimes I may try a little too hard to be edgy. Such…
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“Making it”

I don’t know when it happened, but it seems I’ve become one of the people in snowboard “journalism” others look up to. When I was just starting out it was people like Dave England, Dave Carnie and yeah, even Pat Bridges for me. I still have a hard time feeling good about comparing myself to these people (and not just cause I am a girl) but it seems like are some people out there who would. One thing all these guys shared, other than being funny dudes, was that I was a little bit afraid of them. Pat used to invite me to breakfast and I would show up to…
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The Aftermath

How does a bad trip get even worse? When it gets really, really expensive. Around day three things were ok, after all, it was almost over. I thought I might escape from Canada unscathed. The contest had just wrapped up and I was joyfully skipping to my car. Since wakeskaters are all 19 and can't rent cars, a few of them had asked me for a ride back to the hotel. I set my camera bag, tripod and water housing on the ground next to my car so that the teens could put their boards and bags in the trunk first, then sat in the car. I half forgot about…
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All Work and No Play

The first night I arrived in lovely Orlando, Florida (Whether you are returning home, here on business, or visiting our world class attractions...) I went straight from the airport to BBQ Bar. Back before I developed my abhorrence towards bars and "going out" I really liked BBQ bar. It reminded me of college, and they always played good music. Now I just go there once per trip to Florida because I feel like a should. But as I was standing outside in the suffocating Orlando humidity, Yueng-Ling in my hand and surrounded with old friends I proclaimed that I wasn't going to work so hard this trip. I was going…
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Water skateboarding and new toys

I'm at the halfway mark on my trip to Orlando. Actually a little bit past it, but whatever. I've worked too much, slept too little and gotten a sunburn on my lower legs only. The first three days of my trip were spent milling about at surf expo, talking about the industry, pretending I care, etc. On Sunday, partially to avoid having to help break down the booth, and partially because I just wanted to get out of there, I spent at least three hours trying to leave. But I didn't want to just leave alone, because then I knew I would not do anything useful. I was either going…
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Anonymous Internet Hate

Working predominantly on the Internet, especially in these wonderful days of web 2.0, is awesome. Not only is the Internet endless, meaning you can write just about anything you want, (and I've got some good random ideas I've finally been able to bring to fruition thanks to Yobeat) but you get to know exactly what everyone else thinks of it, practically minutes after it's posted! No more waiting around for letters in the mail, which people rarely even bothered to write. Even before you could comment on everything, it was a matter of someone actually opening their mail program and writing an email. Then that email would actually say where…
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Entourage Season 5. It’s really here!

So I, like pretty much everyone else I know who watches television, have been anxiously awaiting the return of Entourage. And while I know you could probably find some pirate site to watch it free online, or just wait until it comes out on DVD, I need it in real time. So at 7:30 on Sunday, I called Comcast and added HBO to my cable package. Of course when I called and asked to add it, the girl on the other end of the line simply replied, "getting ready to watch Entourage?" I confirmed and then made sure to complain about how expensive cable was in a witty way, because…
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Recapturing my Youth with 9-0

Now that I have decided I will be 25 for the rest of my life, it's important that I keep up with what the kids are into. But I felt like a real failure when my short attention span and general busyness prevented me from appreciating that 90210 was coming back. Yeah, I'd seen the ads and heard rumors about the return of Brenda, etc., but it hadn't really set in what this all meant. It wasn't until Sarah Morrison responded to my IM yesterday with "90210 starts tonight" that I realized I should be really excited about this. I mean, I loved the original. We even had a party…
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Closer to God

If you've been to my house, then you've no doubt commented on the neighborhood eyesore, a.k.a. the Apostolic Faith church. When I was house shopping, I almost didn't come look at my house. Not because of its proximity to the church, but because it really didn't look like much in the pictures. But I figured why not, and the real estate agent brought me in from the east, so I never laid eyes on the church until after I had already toured my house and decided it was the one. Of course, when I left the house, I made it a point to drive out the opposite direction to check…
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The Future is Now

I am a big fan of making web videos. Not so much of watching them, but I love to make them and post them and then watch the traffic add up. But my issue with Youtube is that whole 100 mb limit. Unless your video is 30 seconds long, it's near impossible to make it look like anything other than crap when you compress it to under 100 mb. And never fail I would export my finished video to find it was 101 mb, meaning I would have to lower the quality even more to get it to load. It was a travesty really. But everything has changed now that…
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Back tracking

 I though this would be a fitting follow up to my last post, filled with useful advice as to how to bolster a career. You see, this is a good example of what NOT to do, but man, it made me laugh so hard. Perhaps I've mentioned the relaunch of YoBeat (ten times.) Well the thing about YoBeat is it is purposely brutal. Snowboarding needs a honest, independent publication, and well, I'm not always known for my positivity. Yobeat is a place to say exactly what I think and feel. As I've gotten older I've mellowed slightly, so sometimes I may try a little too hard to be edgy. Such…
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“Making it”

I don’t know when it happened, but it seems I’ve become one of the people in snowboard “journalism” others look up to. When I was just starting out it was people like Dave England, Dave Carnie and yeah, even Pat Bridges for me. I still have a hard time feeling good about comparing myself to these people (and not just cause I am a girl) but it seems like are some people out there who would. One thing all these guys shared, other than being funny dudes, was that I was a little bit afraid of them. Pat used to invite me to breakfast and I would show up to…
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The Aftermath

How does a bad trip get even worse? When it gets really, really expensive. Around day three things were ok, after all, it was almost over. I thought I might escape from Canada unscathed. The contest had just wrapped up and I was joyfully skipping to my car. Since wakeskaters are all 19 and can't rent cars, a few of them had asked me for a ride back to the hotel. I set my camera bag, tripod and water housing on the ground next to my car so that the teens could put their boards and bags in the trunk first, then sat in the car. I half forgot about…
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All Work and No Play

The first night I arrived in lovely Orlando, Florida (Whether you are returning home, here on business, or visiting our world class attractions...) I went straight from the airport to BBQ Bar. Back before I developed my abhorrence towards bars and "going out" I really liked BBQ bar. It reminded me of college, and they always played good music. Now I just go there once per trip to Florida because I feel like a should. But as I was standing outside in the suffocating Orlando humidity, Yueng-Ling in my hand and surrounded with old friends I proclaimed that I wasn't going to work so hard this trip. I was going…
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Water skateboarding and new toys

I'm at the halfway mark on my trip to Orlando. Actually a little bit past it, but whatever. I've worked too much, slept too little and gotten a sunburn on my lower legs only. The first three days of my trip were spent milling about at surf expo, talking about the industry, pretending I care, etc. On Sunday, partially to avoid having to help break down the booth, and partially because I just wanted to get out of there, I spent at least three hours trying to leave. But I didn't want to just leave alone, because then I knew I would not do anything useful. I was either going…
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Anonymous Internet Hate

Working predominantly on the Internet, especially in these wonderful days of web 2.0, is awesome. Not only is the Internet endless, meaning you can write just about anything you want, (and I've got some good random ideas I've finally been able to bring to fruition thanks to Yobeat) but you get to know exactly what everyone else thinks of it, practically minutes after it's posted! No more waiting around for letters in the mail, which people rarely even bothered to write. Even before you could comment on everything, it was a matter of someone actually opening their mail program and writing an email. Then that email would actually say where…
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Entourage Season 5. It’s really here!

So I, like pretty much everyone else I know who watches television, have been anxiously awaiting the return of Entourage. And while I know you could probably find some pirate site to watch it free online, or just wait until it comes out on DVD, I need it in real time. So at 7:30 on Sunday, I called Comcast and added HBO to my cable package. Of course when I called and asked to add it, the girl on the other end of the line simply replied, "getting ready to watch Entourage?" I confirmed and then made sure to complain about how expensive cable was in a witty way, because…
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Recapturing my Youth with 9-0

Now that I have decided I will be 25 for the rest of my life, it's important that I keep up with what the kids are into. But I felt like a real failure when my short attention span and general busyness prevented me from appreciating that 90210 was coming back. Yeah, I'd seen the ads and heard rumors about the return of Brenda, etc., but it hadn't really set in what this all meant. It wasn't until Sarah Morrison responded to my IM yesterday with "90210 starts tonight" that I realized I should be really excited about this. I mean, I loved the original. We even had a party…
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Closer to God

If you've been to my house, then you've no doubt commented on the neighborhood eyesore, a.k.a. the Apostolic Faith church. When I was house shopping, I almost didn't come look at my house. Not because of its proximity to the church, but because it really didn't look like much in the pictures. But I figured why not, and the real estate agent brought me in from the east, so I never laid eyes on the church until after I had already toured my house and decided it was the one. Of course, when I left the house, I made it a point to drive out the opposite direction to check…
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The Future is Now

I am a big fan of making web videos. Not so much of watching them, but I love to make them and post them and then watch the traffic add up. But my issue with Youtube is that whole 100 mb limit. Unless your video is 30 seconds long, it's near impossible to make it look like anything other than crap when you compress it to under 100 mb. And never fail I would export my finished video to find it was 101 mb, meaning I would have to lower the quality even more to get it to load. It was a travesty really. But everything has changed now that…
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Back tracking

 I though this would be a fitting follow up to my last post, filled with useful advice as to how to bolster a career. You see, this is a good example of what NOT to do, but man, it made me laugh so hard. Perhaps I've mentioned the relaunch of YoBeat (ten times.) Well the thing about YoBeat is it is purposely brutal. Snowboarding needs a honest, independent publication, and well, I'm not always known for my positivity. Yobeat is a place to say exactly what I think and feel. As I've gotten older I've mellowed slightly, so sometimes I may try a little too hard to be edgy. Such…
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“Making it”

I don’t know when it happened, but it seems I’ve become one of the people in snowboard “journalism” others look up to. When I was just starting out it was people like Dave England, Dave Carnie and yeah, even Pat Bridges for me. I still have a hard time feeling good about comparing myself to these people (and not just cause I am a girl) but it seems like are some people out there who would. One thing all these guys shared, other than being funny dudes, was that I was a little bit afraid of them. Pat used to invite me to breakfast and I would show up to…
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The Aftermath

How does a bad trip get even worse? When it gets really, really expensive. Around day three things were ok, after all, it was almost over. I thought I might escape from Canada unscathed. The contest had just wrapped up and I was joyfully skipping to my car. Since wakeskaters are all 19 and can't rent cars, a few of them had asked me for a ride back to the hotel. I set my camera bag, tripod and water housing on the ground next to my car so that the teens could put their boards and bags in the trunk first, then sat in the car. I half forgot about…
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All Work and No Play

The first night I arrived in lovely Orlando, Florida (Whether you are returning home, here on business, or visiting our world class attractions...) I went straight from the airport to BBQ Bar. Back before I developed my abhorrence towards bars and "going out" I really liked BBQ bar. It reminded me of college, and they always played good music. Now I just go there once per trip to Florida because I feel like a should. But as I was standing outside in the suffocating Orlando humidity, Yueng-Ling in my hand and surrounded with old friends I proclaimed that I wasn't going to work so hard this trip. I was going…
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Water skateboarding and new toys

I'm at the halfway mark on my trip to Orlando. Actually a little bit past it, but whatever. I've worked too much, slept too little and gotten a sunburn on my lower legs only. The first three days of my trip were spent milling about at surf expo, talking about the industry, pretending I care, etc. On Sunday, partially to avoid having to help break down the booth, and partially because I just wanted to get out of there, I spent at least three hours trying to leave. But I didn't want to just leave alone, because then I knew I would not do anything useful. I was either going…
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Anonymous Internet Hate

Working predominantly on the Internet, especially in these wonderful days of web 2.0, is awesome. Not only is the Internet endless, meaning you can write just about anything you want, (and I've got some good random ideas I've finally been able to bring to fruition thanks to Yobeat) but you get to know exactly what everyone else thinks of it, practically minutes after it's posted! No more waiting around for letters in the mail, which people rarely even bothered to write. Even before you could comment on everything, it was a matter of someone actually opening their mail program and writing an email. Then that email would actually say where…
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Entourage Season 5. It’s really here!

So I, like pretty much everyone else I know who watches television, have been anxiously awaiting the return of Entourage. And while I know you could probably find some pirate site to watch it free online, or just wait until it comes out on DVD, I need it in real time. So at 7:30 on Sunday, I called Comcast and added HBO to my cable package. Of course when I called and asked to add it, the girl on the other end of the line simply replied, "getting ready to watch Entourage?" I confirmed and then made sure to complain about how expensive cable was in a witty way, because…
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Recapturing my Youth with 9-0

Now that I have decided I will be 25 for the rest of my life, it's important that I keep up with what the kids are into. But I felt like a real failure when my short attention span and general busyness prevented me from appreciating that 90210 was coming back. Yeah, I'd seen the ads and heard rumors about the return of Brenda, etc., but it hadn't really set in what this all meant. It wasn't until Sarah Morrison responded to my IM yesterday with "90210 starts tonight" that I realized I should be really excited about this. I mean, I loved the original. We even had a party…
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Closer to God

If you've been to my house, then you've no doubt commented on the neighborhood eyesore, a.k.a. the Apostolic Faith church. When I was house shopping, I almost didn't come look at my house. Not because of its proximity to the church, but because it really didn't look like much in the pictures. But I figured why not, and the real estate agent brought me in from the east, so I never laid eyes on the church until after I had already toured my house and decided it was the one. Of course, when I left the house, I made it a point to drive out the opposite direction to check…
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The Future is Now

I am a big fan of making web videos. Not so much of watching them, but I love to make them and post them and then watch the traffic add up. But my issue with Youtube is that whole 100 mb limit. Unless your video is 30 seconds long, it's near impossible to make it look like anything other than crap when you compress it to under 100 mb. And never fail I would export my finished video to find it was 101 mb, meaning I would have to lower the quality even more to get it to load. It was a travesty really. But everything has changed now that…
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Back tracking

 I though this would be a fitting follow up to my last post, filled with useful advice as to how to bolster a career. You see, this is a good example of what NOT to do, but man, it made me laugh so hard. Perhaps I've mentioned the relaunch of YoBeat (ten times.) Well the thing about YoBeat is it is purposely brutal. Snowboarding needs a honest, independent publication, and well, I'm not always known for my positivity. Yobeat is a place to say exactly what I think and feel. As I've gotten older I've mellowed slightly, so sometimes I may try a little too hard to be edgy. Such…
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“Making it”

I don’t know when it happened, but it seems I’ve become one of the people in snowboard “journalism” others look up to. When I was just starting out it was people like Dave England, Dave Carnie and yeah, even Pat Bridges for me. I still have a hard time feeling good about comparing myself to these people (and not just cause I am a girl) but it seems like are some people out there who would. One thing all these guys shared, other than being funny dudes, was that I was a little bit afraid of them. Pat used to invite me to breakfast and I would show up to…
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The Aftermath

How does a bad trip get even worse? When it gets really, really expensive. Around day three things were ok, after all, it was almost over. I thought I might escape from Canada unscathed. The contest had just wrapped up and I was joyfully skipping to my car. Since wakeskaters are all 19 and can't rent cars, a few of them had asked me for a ride back to the hotel. I set my camera bag, tripod and water housing on the ground next to my car so that the teens could put their boards and bags in the trunk first, then sat in the car. I half forgot about…
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All Work and No Play

The first night I arrived in lovely Orlando, Florida (Whether you are returning home, here on business, or visiting our world class attractions...) I went straight from the airport to BBQ Bar. Back before I developed my abhorrence towards bars and "going out" I really liked BBQ bar. It reminded me of college, and they always played good music. Now I just go there once per trip to Florida because I feel like a should. But as I was standing outside in the suffocating Orlando humidity, Yueng-Ling in my hand and surrounded with old friends I proclaimed that I wasn't going to work so hard this trip. I was going…
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Water skateboarding and new toys

I'm at the halfway mark on my trip to Orlando. Actually a little bit past it, but whatever. I've worked too much, slept too little and gotten a sunburn on my lower legs only. The first three days of my trip were spent milling about at surf expo, talking about the industry, pretending I care, etc. On Sunday, partially to avoid having to help break down the booth, and partially because I just wanted to get out of there, I spent at least three hours trying to leave. But I didn't want to just leave alone, because then I knew I would not do anything useful. I was either going…
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Anonymous Internet Hate

Working predominantly on the Internet, especially in these wonderful days of web 2.0, is awesome. Not only is the Internet endless, meaning you can write just about anything you want, (and I've got some good random ideas I've finally been able to bring to fruition thanks to Yobeat) but you get to know exactly what everyone else thinks of it, practically minutes after it's posted! No more waiting around for letters in the mail, which people rarely even bothered to write. Even before you could comment on everything, it was a matter of someone actually opening their mail program and writing an email. Then that email would actually say where…
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Entourage Season 5. It’s really here!

So I, like pretty much everyone else I know who watches television, have been anxiously awaiting the return of Entourage. And while I know you could probably find some pirate site to watch it free online, or just wait until it comes out on DVD, I need it in real time. So at 7:30 on Sunday, I called Comcast and added HBO to my cable package. Of course when I called and asked to add it, the girl on the other end of the line simply replied, "getting ready to watch Entourage?" I confirmed and then made sure to complain about how expensive cable was in a witty way, because…
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Recapturing my Youth with 9-0

Now that I have decided I will be 25 for the rest of my life, it's important that I keep up with what the kids are into. But I felt like a real failure when my short attention span and general busyness prevented me from appreciating that 90210 was coming back. Yeah, I'd seen the ads and heard rumors about the return of Brenda, etc., but it hadn't really set in what this all meant. It wasn't until Sarah Morrison responded to my IM yesterday with "90210 starts tonight" that I realized I should be really excited about this. I mean, I loved the original. We even had a party…
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Closer to God

If you've been to my house, then you've no doubt commented on the neighborhood eyesore, a.k.a. the Apostolic Faith church. When I was house shopping, I almost didn't come look at my house. Not because of its proximity to the church, but because it really didn't look like much in the pictures. But I figured why not, and the real estate agent brought me in from the east, so I never laid eyes on the church until after I had already toured my house and decided it was the one. Of course, when I left the house, I made it a point to drive out the opposite direction to check…
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The Future is Now

I am a big fan of making web videos. Not so much of watching them, but I love to make them and post them and then watch the traffic add up. But my issue with Youtube is that whole 100 mb limit. Unless your video is 30 seconds long, it's near impossible to make it look like anything other than crap when you compress it to under 100 mb. And never fail I would export my finished video to find it was 101 mb, meaning I would have to lower the quality even more to get it to load. It was a travesty really. But everything has changed now that…
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Back tracking

 I though this would be a fitting follow up to my last post, filled with useful advice as to how to bolster a career. You see, this is a good example of what NOT to do, but man, it made me laugh so hard. Perhaps I've mentioned the relaunch of YoBeat (ten times.) Well the thing about YoBeat is it is purposely brutal. Snowboarding needs a honest, independent publication, and well, I'm not always known for my positivity. Yobeat is a place to say exactly what I think and feel. As I've gotten older I've mellowed slightly, so sometimes I may try a little too hard to be edgy. Such…
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“Making it”

I don’t know when it happened, but it seems I’ve become one of the people in snowboard “journalism” others look up to. When I was just starting out it was people like Dave England, Dave Carnie and yeah, even Pat Bridges for me. I still have a hard time feeling good about comparing myself to these people (and not just cause I am a girl) but it seems like are some people out there who would. One thing all these guys shared, other than being funny dudes, was that I was a little bit afraid of them. Pat used to invite me to breakfast and I would show up to…
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The Aftermath

How does a bad trip get even worse? When it gets really, really expensive. Around day three things were ok, after all, it was almost over. I thought I might escape from Canada unscathed. The contest had just wrapped up and I was joyfully skipping to my car. Since wakeskaters are all 19 and can't rent cars, a few of them had asked me for a ride back to the hotel. I set my camera bag, tripod and water housing on the ground next to my car so that the teens could put their boards and bags in the trunk first, then sat in the car. I half forgot about…
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All Work and No Play

The first night I arrived in lovely Orlando, Florida (Whether you are returning home, here on business, or visiting our world class attractions...) I went straight from the airport to BBQ Bar. Back before I developed my abhorrence towards bars and "going out" I really liked BBQ bar. It reminded me of college, and they always played good music. Now I just go there once per trip to Florida because I feel like a should. But as I was standing outside in the suffocating Orlando humidity, Yueng-Ling in my hand and surrounded with old friends I proclaimed that I wasn't going to work so hard this trip. I was going…
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Water skateboarding and new toys

I'm at the halfway mark on my trip to Orlando. Actually a little bit past it, but whatever. I've worked too much, slept too little and gotten a sunburn on my lower legs only. The first three days of my trip were spent milling about at surf expo, talking about the industry, pretending I care, etc. On Sunday, partially to avoid having to help break down the booth, and partially because I just wanted to get out of there, I spent at least three hours trying to leave. But I didn't want to just leave alone, because then I knew I would not do anything useful. I was either going…
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Anonymous Internet Hate

Working predominantly on the Internet, especially in these wonderful days of web 2.0, is awesome. Not only is the Internet endless, meaning you can write just about anything you want, (and I've got some good random ideas I've finally been able to bring to fruition thanks to Yobeat) but you get to know exactly what everyone else thinks of it, practically minutes after it's posted! No more waiting around for letters in the mail, which people rarely even bothered to write. Even before you could comment on everything, it was a matter of someone actually opening their mail program and writing an email. Then that email would actually say where…
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Entourage Season 5. It’s really here!

So I, like pretty much everyone else I know who watches television, have been anxiously awaiting the return of Entourage. And while I know you could probably find some pirate site to watch it free online, or just wait until it comes out on DVD, I need it in real time. So at 7:30 on Sunday, I called Comcast and added HBO to my cable package. Of course when I called and asked to add it, the girl on the other end of the line simply replied, "getting ready to watch Entourage?" I confirmed and then made sure to complain about how expensive cable was in a witty way, because…
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Recapturing my Youth with 9-0

Now that I have decided I will be 25 for the rest of my life, it's important that I keep up with what the kids are into. But I felt like a real failure when my short attention span and general busyness prevented me from appreciating that 90210 was coming back. Yeah, I'd seen the ads and heard rumors about the return of Brenda, etc., but it hadn't really set in what this all meant. It wasn't until Sarah Morrison responded to my IM yesterday with "90210 starts tonight" that I realized I should be really excited about this. I mean, I loved the original. We even had a party…
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Closer to God

If you've been to my house, then you've no doubt commented on the neighborhood eyesore, a.k.a. the Apostolic Faith church. When I was house shopping, I almost didn't come look at my house. Not because of its proximity to the church, but because it really didn't look like much in the pictures. But I figured why not, and the real estate agent brought me in from the east, so I never laid eyes on the church until after I had already toured my house and decided it was the one. Of course, when I left the house, I made it a point to drive out the opposite direction to check…
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The Future is Now

I am a big fan of making web videos. Not so much of watching them, but I love to make them and post them and then watch the traffic add up. But my issue with Youtube is that whole 100 mb limit. Unless your video is 30 seconds long, it's near impossible to make it look like anything other than crap when you compress it to under 100 mb. And never fail I would export my finished video to find it was 101 mb, meaning I would have to lower the quality even more to get it to load. It was a travesty really. But everything has changed now that…
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Back tracking

 I though this would be a fitting follow up to my last post, filled with useful advice as to how to bolster a career. You see, this is a good example of what NOT to do, but man, it made me laugh so hard. Perhaps I've mentioned the relaunch of YoBeat (ten times.) Well the thing about YoBeat is it is purposely brutal. Snowboarding needs a honest, independent publication, and well, I'm not always known for my positivity. Yobeat is a place to say exactly what I think and feel. As I've gotten older I've mellowed slightly, so sometimes I may try a little too hard to be edgy. Such…
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“Making it”

I don’t know when it happened, but it seems I’ve become one of the people in snowboard “journalism” others look up to. When I was just starting out it was people like Dave England, Dave Carnie and yeah, even Pat Bridges for me. I still have a hard time feeling good about comparing myself to these people (and not just cause I am a girl) but it seems like are some people out there who would. One thing all these guys shared, other than being funny dudes, was that I was a little bit afraid of them. Pat used to invite me to breakfast and I would show up to…
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The Aftermath

How does a bad trip get even worse? When it gets really, really expensive. Around day three things were ok, after all, it was almost over. I thought I might escape from Canada unscathed. The contest had just wrapped up and I was joyfully skipping to my car. Since wakeskaters are all 19 and can't rent cars, a few of them had asked me for a ride back to the hotel. I set my camera bag, tripod and water housing on the ground next to my car so that the teens could put their boards and bags in the trunk first, then sat in the car. I half forgot about…
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All Work and No Play

The first night I arrived in lovely Orlando, Florida (Whether you are returning home, here on business, or visiting our world class attractions...) I went straight from the airport to BBQ Bar. Back before I developed my abhorrence towards bars and "going out" I really liked BBQ bar. It reminded me of college, and they always played good music. Now I just go there once per trip to Florida because I feel like a should. But as I was standing outside in the suffocating Orlando humidity, Yueng-Ling in my hand and surrounded with old friends I proclaimed that I wasn't going to work so hard this trip. I was going…
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Water skateboarding and new toys

I'm at the halfway mark on my trip to Orlando. Actually a little bit past it, but whatever. I've worked too much, slept too little and gotten a sunburn on my lower legs only. The first three days of my trip were spent milling about at surf expo, talking about the industry, pretending I care, etc. On Sunday, partially to avoid having to help break down the booth, and partially because I just wanted to get out of there, I spent at least three hours trying to leave. But I didn't want to just leave alone, because then I knew I would not do anything useful. I was either going…
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Anonymous Internet Hate

Working predominantly on the Internet, especially in these wonderful days of web 2.0, is awesome. Not only is the Internet endless, meaning you can write just about anything you want, (and I've got some good random ideas I've finally been able to bring to fruition thanks to Yobeat) but you get to know exactly what everyone else thinks of it, practically minutes after it's posted! No more waiting around for letters in the mail, which people rarely even bothered to write. Even before you could comment on everything, it was a matter of someone actually opening their mail program and writing an email. Then that email would actually say where…
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Entourage Season 5. It’s really here!

So I, like pretty much everyone else I know who watches television, have been anxiously awaiting the return of Entourage. And while I know you could probably find some pirate site to watch it free online, or just wait until it comes out on DVD, I need it in real time. So at 7:30 on Sunday, I called Comcast and added HBO to my cable package. Of course when I called and asked to add it, the girl on the other end of the line simply replied, "getting ready to watch Entourage?" I confirmed and then made sure to complain about how expensive cable was in a witty way, because…
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Recapturing my Youth with 9-0

Now that I have decided I will be 25 for the rest of my life, it's important that I keep up with what the kids are into. But I felt like a real failure when my short attention span and general busyness prevented me from appreciating that 90210 was coming back. Yeah, I'd seen the ads and heard rumors about the return of Brenda, etc., but it hadn't really set in what this all meant. It wasn't until Sarah Morrison responded to my IM yesterday with "90210 starts tonight" that I realized I should be really excited about this. I mean, I loved the original. We even had a party…
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Closer to God

If you've been to my house, then you've no doubt commented on the neighborhood eyesore, a.k.a. the Apostolic Faith church. When I was house shopping, I almost didn't come look at my house. Not because of its proximity to the church, but because it really didn't look like much in the pictures. But I figured why not, and the real estate agent brought me in from the east, so I never laid eyes on the church until after I had already toured my house and decided it was the one. Of course, when I left the house, I made it a point to drive out the opposite direction to check…
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The Future is Now

I am a big fan of making web videos. Not so much of watching them, but I love to make them and post them and then watch the traffic add up. But my issue with Youtube is that whole 100 mb limit. Unless your video is 30 seconds long, it's near impossible to make it look like anything other than crap when you compress it to under 100 mb. And never fail I would export my finished video to find it was 101 mb, meaning I would have to lower the quality even more to get it to load. It was a travesty really. But everything has changed now that…
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Back tracking

 I though this would be a fitting follow up to my last post, filled with useful advice as to how to bolster a career. You see, this is a good example of what NOT to do, but man, it made me laugh so hard. Perhaps I've mentioned the relaunch of YoBeat (ten times.) Well the thing about YoBeat is it is purposely brutal. Snowboarding needs a honest, independent publication, and well, I'm not always known for my positivity. Yobeat is a place to say exactly what I think and feel. As I've gotten older I've mellowed slightly, so sometimes I may try a little too hard to be edgy. Such…
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“Making it”

I don’t know when it happened, but it seems I’ve become one of the people in snowboard “journalism” others look up to. When I was just starting out it was people like Dave England, Dave Carnie and yeah, even Pat Bridges for me. I still have a hard time feeling good about comparing myself to these people (and not just cause I am a girl) but it seems like are some people out there who would. One thing all these guys shared, other than being funny dudes, was that I was a little bit afraid of them. Pat used to invite me to breakfast and I would show up to…
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The Aftermath

How does a bad trip get even worse? When it gets really, really expensive. Around day three things were ok, after all, it was almost over. I thought I might escape from Canada unscathed. The contest had just wrapped up and I was joyfully skipping to my car. Since wakeskaters are all 19 and can't rent cars, a few of them had asked me for a ride back to the hotel. I set my camera bag, tripod and water housing on the ground next to my car so that the teens could put their boards and bags in the trunk first, then sat in the car. I half forgot about…
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All Work and No Play

The first night I arrived in lovely Orlando, Florida (Whether you are returning home, here on business, or visiting our world class attractions...) I went straight from the airport to BBQ Bar. Back before I developed my abhorrence towards bars and "going out" I really liked BBQ bar. It reminded me of college, and they always played good music. Now I just go there once per trip to Florida because I feel like a should. But as I was standing outside in the suffocating Orlando humidity, Yueng-Ling in my hand and surrounded with old friends I proclaimed that I wasn't going to work so hard this trip. I was going…
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Water skateboarding and new toys

I'm at the halfway mark on my trip to Orlando. Actually a little bit past it, but whatever. I've worked too much, slept too little and gotten a sunburn on my lower legs only. The first three days of my trip were spent milling about at surf expo, talking about the industry, pretending I care, etc. On Sunday, partially to avoid having to help break down the booth, and partially because I just wanted to get out of there, I spent at least three hours trying to leave. But I didn't want to just leave alone, because then I knew I would not do anything useful. I was either going…
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Anonymous Internet Hate

Working predominantly on the Internet, especially in these wonderful days of web 2.0, is awesome. Not only is the Internet endless, meaning you can write just about anything you want, (and I've got some good random ideas I've finally been able to bring to fruition thanks to Yobeat) but you get to know exactly what everyone else thinks of it, practically minutes after it's posted! No more waiting around for letters in the mail, which people rarely even bothered to write. Even before you could comment on everything, it was a matter of someone actually opening their mail program and writing an email. Then that email would actually say where…
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Entourage Season 5. It’s really here!

So I, like pretty much everyone else I know who watches television, have been anxiously awaiting the return of Entourage. And while I know you could probably find some pirate site to watch it free online, or just wait until it comes out on DVD, I need it in real time. So at 7:30 on Sunday, I called Comcast and added HBO to my cable package. Of course when I called and asked to add it, the girl on the other end of the line simply replied, "getting ready to watch Entourage?" I confirmed and then made sure to complain about how expensive cable was in a witty way, because…
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Recapturing my Youth with 9-0

Now that I have decided I will be 25 for the rest of my life, it's important that I keep up with what the kids are into. But I felt like a real failure when my short attention span and general busyness prevented me from appreciating that 90210 was coming back. Yeah, I'd seen the ads and heard rumors about the return of Brenda, etc., but it hadn't really set in what this all meant. It wasn't until Sarah Morrison responded to my IM yesterday with "90210 starts tonight" that I realized I should be really excited about this. I mean, I loved the original. We even had a party…
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Closer to God

If you've been to my house, then you've no doubt commented on the neighborhood eyesore, a.k.a. the Apostolic Faith church. When I was house shopping, I almost didn't come look at my house. Not because of its proximity to the church, but because it really didn't look like much in the pictures. But I figured why not, and the real estate agent brought me in from the east, so I never laid eyes on the church until after I had already toured my house and decided it was the one. Of course, when I left the house, I made it a point to drive out the opposite direction to check…
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The Future is Now

I am a big fan of making web videos. Not so much of watching them, but I love to make them and post them and then watch the traffic add up. But my issue with Youtube is that whole 100 mb limit. Unless your video is 30 seconds long, it's near impossible to make it look like anything other than crap when you compress it to under 100 mb. And never fail I would export my finished video to find it was 101 mb, meaning I would have to lower the quality even more to get it to load. It was a travesty really. But everything has changed now that…
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Back tracking

 I though this would be a fitting follow up to my last post, filled with useful advice as to how to bolster a career. You see, this is a good example of what NOT to do, but man, it made me laugh so hard. Perhaps I've mentioned the relaunch of YoBeat (ten times.) Well the thing about YoBeat is it is purposely brutal. Snowboarding needs a honest, independent publication, and well, I'm not always known for my positivity. Yobeat is a place to say exactly what I think and feel. As I've gotten older I've mellowed slightly, so sometimes I may try a little too hard to be edgy. Such…
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“Making it”

I don’t know when it happened, but it seems I’ve become one of the people in snowboard “journalism” others look up to. When I was just starting out it was people like Dave England, Dave Carnie and yeah, even Pat Bridges for me. I still have a hard time feeling good about comparing myself to these people (and not just cause I am a girl) but it seems like are some people out there who would. One thing all these guys shared, other than being funny dudes, was that I was a little bit afraid of them. Pat used to invite me to breakfast and I would show up to…
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The Aftermath

How does a bad trip get even worse? When it gets really, really expensive. Around day three things were ok, after all, it was almost over. I thought I might escape from Canada unscathed. The contest had just wrapped up and I was joyfully skipping to my car. Since wakeskaters are all 19 and can't rent cars, a few of them had asked me for a ride back to the hotel. I set my camera bag, tripod and water housing on the ground next to my car so that the teens could put their boards and bags in the trunk first, then sat in the car. I half forgot about…
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